Tag: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

AI goes to space! New planet discovered outside solar system

AI goes to space! New planet discovered outside solar system

[ad_1] AI is the biggest buzzword these days courtesy ChatGPT. And guess what? AI is now helping scientists to discover planets out there in space! A recent study conducted by a research team from the University of Georgia confirmed the evidence of a new planet outside our solar system which has been identified by machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence. This breakthrough marks an initial milestone in bringing AI into practice to discover unknown exoplanets.The study says that an exoplanet can be determined just by looking in protoplanetary disks, the gas around newly formed stars. The research team confirmed the planet using traditional techniques, however, the AI model helped to run simulations and showed exactly where the planet might be. How does it work? Jason Terry, ...
Super-Earths are more habitable than Earth- astronomers think there are billions of them

Super-Earths are more habitable than Earth- astronomers think there are billions of them

[ad_1] Astronomers now routinely discover planets orbiting stars outside of the solar system – they’re called exoplanets. Astronomers now routinely discover planets orbiting stars outside of the solar system – they're called exoplanets. But in summer 2022, teams working on NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite found a few particularly interesting planets orbiting in the habitable zones of their parent stars. One planet is 30% larger than Earth and orbits its star in less than three days. The other is 70% larger than the Earth and might host a deep ocean. These two exoplanets are super-Earths – more massive than the Earth but smaller than ice giants like Uranus and Neptune. I'm a professor of astronomy who studies ...