Tag: titan

So Long, Apple Car, We’ll Never Know What We Missed

So Long, Apple Car, We’ll Never Know What We Missed

[ad_1] What could Apple have done with the humble automobile?Ideas, some credible and others less so, have dripped out for a decade. For a time, the company was rumored to be working on something small based on BMW's i3. Then it was said to actually be a van. With augmented reality, a new kind of battery and smart seat belts.  Reports suggested a desire to leapfrog Tesla and go straight to full self-driving — and it was granted permission to test its technology on California roads. It was looking at building charging infrastructure. So insatiable was the appetite for any news on the car, Apple watchers had started to pay attention to the kinds of vehicles bought by Apple executives to see whether there were any signs as to their tastes and the project's probable direction. My favorite r...
Saturn’s moon Titan has an ocean! Is it habitable? Check what researchers said

Saturn’s moon Titan has an ocean! Is it habitable? Check what researchers said

[ad_1] Our solar system is full of secrets that are yet to be discovered. While astronomers and space agencies are hard at work studying the universe, the findings from these missions are put under the scanner by researchers to develop possible theories and find whether there is any chance of life existing on these planets if water is present there. Now, researchers have made a disappointing finding. They have reported that Saturn's moon Titan is quite uninhabitable despite being called an ocean moon. Researchers claim that the moon does not have the right organic chemistry which is required to support life. Know why Saturn's moon Titan cannot support life.Why Saturn's moon Titan is uninhabitableAccording to astrobiological research (via Space.com), Saturn's largest moon, Titan which is...
Stanford researchers issue AI transparency report, urge tech companies to reveal more

Stanford researchers issue AI transparency report, urge tech companies to reveal more

[ad_1] Stanford University researchers issued a report on Wednesday measuring the transparency of artificial intelligence foundation models from companies like OpenAI and Google, and the authors urged the companies to reveal more information such as the data and human labor used to train models.“It is clear over the last three years that transparency is on the decline while capability is going through the roof," said Stanford professor Percy Liang, a researcher behind the Foundation Model Transparency Index. “We view this as highly problematic because we've seen in other areas like social media that when transparency goes down, bad things can happen as a result." Foundation models are AI systems trained on massive datasets that can perform a variety of tasks from writing to coding. Comp...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 31 March 2023: Saturn’s moon Titan, which is bigger than Mercury

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 31 March 2023: Saturn’s moon Titan, which is bigger than Mercury

[ad_1] Titan, the biggest moon of Saturn, is the second largest moon in our solar system. It is an icy celestial body concealed by a golden hazy atmosphere. According to NASA, only Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter, is bigger than Titan. Titan is more massive than Earth's moon and exceeds the size of the planet Mercury. Moreover, Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a dense atmosphere, and it's the only world besides Earth that has standing bodies of liquid, including rivers, lakes and seas, on its surface, as per NASA.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is a snapshot showing 6 faces of Titan. Titan has a radius of about 2575 kilometers and is nearly 50 percent wider than Earth's moon. Saturn's icy moon is about 1.2 million kilometers away from Saturn, which itself is about...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day March 12, 2023: Saturn’s Hyperion- Moon with Odd Craters

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day March 12, 2023: Saturn’s Hyperion- Moon with Odd Craters

[ad_1] Do you know how many moons Saturn has? The planet has a total of 83 moons, out of which 63 moons are confirmed and named. While, the other 20 moons are awaiting confirmation of discovery and official naming by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), according to NASA. Today's NASA astronomy picture of the day is about one of Saturn's moons named Hyperion. It is the largest of Saturn's irregular, non-spherical moons, and has odd craters.Captioning the image of the day titled 'Saturn's Hyperion: A Moon with Odd Craters,' NASA stated, What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters? To help find out, the robot Cassini spacecraft that once orbited Saturn swooped past the sponge-textured moon and took images of unprecedented detail. A six-image mosaic from the 2005 pass, fe...
Long lost moon created Saturn’s rings, Cassini spacecraft data backs up claim

Long lost moon created Saturn’s rings, Cassini spacecraft data backs up claim

[ad_1] Discovered by Galileo 400 years ago, the rings of Saturn are about the most striking thing astronomers with small telescopes can spot in our solar system. But even today, experts cannot agree on how or when they formed. A new study published Thursday in the prestigious journal Science sets out to provide a convincing answer. Between 100-200 million years ago, an icy moon they named Chrysalis broke up after getting a little too close to the gas giant, they conclude. While most of it made impact with Saturn, its remaining fragments broke into small icy chunks that form the planet's signature rings. "It's nice to find a plausible explanation," Jack Wisdom, professor of planetary sciences at MIT and lead author of the new study, told AFP. Saturn, the sixth plan...