Tag: tips to make healthy frankie

Can Frankie Be Healthy? With These 5 Tips, It Sure Can!

Can Frankie Be Healthy? With These 5 Tips, It Sure Can!

[ad_1] If you ask me, a frankie is like a blank canvas. You can add or reduce the composition of this beautiful art at your convenience. According to legend, a frankie is different from Kathi rolls and originated in Bombay. My earliest childhood memory of this dish is when I was 10 or 11, and my grandmother would prepare small frankie pieces for my brother and me when we would visit her. But she would make sure the frankie was made with healthy ingredients and used to load it up with veggies and meat. Now I understand its importance because its delicious taste makes it hard to stop at one. If you are someone who, like me, can't resist tempting frankies, then fret not! We have compiled 5 easy ways to make your frankie healthier.Also Read: How To Make Chilli Paneer Frankie: A Quick And Eas...