Tag: tesla semi climate bill

Tesla Semi Looks Like a Bidenmobile Spurred by the Climate Bill

Tesla Semi Looks Like a Bidenmobile Spurred by the Climate Bill

[ad_1] The Tesla Semi truck was on the back burner until the president’s climate bill passed. This much is clear: Tesla is going to start delivering Semi trucks on Dec. 1, a full five years after Elon Musk started taking orders for them. The first ones are going to PepsiCo, which will put them to work at a Frito-Lay facility in Modesto, California, and a beverages plant in Sacramento. From there, details are fuzzy for a product the world has known about since 2017. Specifications? “500 mile range & super fun to drive,” Musk tweeted last week. There isn't a whole lot more information on Tesla's website, aside from a zero-to-60 acceleration time, which doesn't rank particularly high on truckers' priority list. Braking distance, for example, is far more important than beating ...