Tag: Tesla Roadster

Bizarre! Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster car may crash into Earth from SPACE; this is WHEN

Bizarre! Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster car may crash into Earth from SPACE; this is WHEN

[ad_1] In 2017, Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, was preparing for the test flight of the Falcon Heavy, a partially reusable launch vehicle. The launch vehicle has since then completed 5 successful missions, including the recent one on January 15, 2023. But during the preparatory days, he said in an interview that since the launch was risky, he wanted it to carry the “silliest thing we can imagine”. After the suggestion from a Twitter user, Musk decided to shoot his personal Tesla Roadster car into space! It has been five years since then and the Tesla car is still roaming in space. However, there is a chance that it might crash back into the Earth! Yes, you read that right.According to a report by CNN, the car has completed about three and one quarter loops around the Sun and it has trav...
The Wrong Americans Are Buying Electric Cars

The Wrong Americans Are Buying Electric Cars

[ad_1] The electric vehicle early adopter has given way to the superuser or, worse still, the hoarder. Keller Strother got his first Tesla, a Roadster, in 2011. He still has it, though his garage now includes two more Teslas and a vintage Porsche 911 that recently had its gas-burning guts swapped out for a battery and electric motors. In a warming world, where roughly one quarter of Americans are keen to buy an electric vehicle, Strother has four of them.  “The technology is so viable and it's such a better solution,” he says. “And I've always been a little obsessed with having the right tool for a job.” EV adoption is finally ramping up in the US. But what the fever line doesn't show is that it's lumpy. A large share of battery-powered cars are being bought by households that already...
New Toyota Prius to be Unveiled as Hybrids Lose Luster to Battery EVs

New Toyota Prius to be Unveiled as Hybrids Lose Luster to Battery EVs

[ad_1] Sales of the pioneering hybrid have fallen from a peak of 500,000 to around 86,000 last year. Toyota Motor Corp. is about to take the wraps off a revamped Toyota Prius, the latest iteration of a car that normalized the idea of owning an environmentally conscious vehicle more than two decades ago.Leonardo de Caprio drove one. Owning a Prius was cool, even a status symbol, and the less-frequent and cheaper trips that owners made to the gas pump were revelatory. Over the years, hybrid drivetrains found their way into other Toyota products. Other carmakers rolled out the technology, making it a routine aspect of driving for millions. Even though the gas-sipping hatchback — with its combined combustion engine, electric motor and battery powertrain — paved the way for Teslas and othe...