Tag: supernova explosion

The biggest explosion ever in the cosmos captured by NASA; It BIRTHED a black hole?

The biggest explosion ever in the cosmos captured by NASA; It BIRTHED a black hole?

[ad_1] NASA captured a wave of radiation hitting Earth that came from the biggest explosion ever recorded in history. Astronomers believe it could be from the explosion of a supernova that actually birthed a black hole. Last year, NASA captured something stunning that strangely went under the radar. A gigantic cosmic explosion was captured by the NASA Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope as well as a few other observatories, which is now being dubbed as the biggest and the brightest explosion in recorded history. As studies are ongoing to gain a better understanding of the event, an early belief is that the energy came from a supernova explosion 1.9 billion light years away, the death of a massive star, and it indicated the birth of a black hole.NASA posted on its blog post, revealing deta...
WOW! NASA Hubble Space Telescope captures 11-bn-year old supernova explosion

WOW! NASA Hubble Space Telescope captures 11-bn-year old supernova explosion

[ad_1] In an amazing achievement, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured a massive supernova explosion, which may be among the first ever in Universe. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope did something extraordinary! It captured light from a star that exploded over 11 billion years ago not just as one postcard from the remote past but as three phases from the star's explosion to fading away over a period of one week. However, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured the three different moments in a far-off supernova explosion in a single snapshot. This explosion dates back to the time when the universe was even less than a fifth of its current age, which is 13.8 billion years."It is quite rare that a supernova can be detected at a very early stage, because that stage is really short. It only l...
Supernova allows us to understand the origin of elements in the universe: Research

Supernova allows us to understand the origin of elements in the universe: Research

[ad_1] A supernova is a stellar explosion, which occurs when the lives of some really massive stars come to an end. A supernova is a stellar explosion, which occurs when the lives of some really massive stars come to an end. In this violent epilogue, the star expels the material from its outer layers by means of a shock wave, allowing us to see the various elements it was composed of.The research team developed a model of the gravitational field of the galaxy that acted as a lens, and that way it was possible to determine that the light from these three images travelled along three different paths, differing in distance by a few days. This accounts for the three colours obtained in the images because a variation in the colour emitted takes place as the gas in the supernova expands an...
Fascinating! NASA captures mesmerizing Supernova remains, leaves netizens in awe

Fascinating! NASA captures mesmerizing Supernova remains, leaves netizens in awe

[ad_1] A mesmerizing image of Supernova remains was shared by NASA. Have a look here. NASA has left netizens stunned with a mesmerizing new image of the remains of a Supernova. NASA said, "Our Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory telescope and several other X-ray telescopes observed one of the most extreme rotating neutron stars or pulsars – ever detected in 2016." NASA took to its Instagram account to share the image. NASA says that its spin period is around thousands of times longer than any other pulsar that has ever been observed. NASA added, "Swift Observatory helps detect gamma-ray bursts – large gamma radiation pulses which form when a massive star collapses, creating a black hole – using optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray light."The composite image shared by NASA shows the remains of a...
This bizarre object is FASTER than light? What did NASA Hubble Space Telescope catch?

This bizarre object is FASTER than light? What did NASA Hubble Space Telescope catch?

[ad_1] NASA Hubble Space Telescope thought it spotted something that should not exist, which was travelling at a mind-altering rate 7 times faster than light! On Earth, we have created some really fast objects. For instance, the speed of a bullet out of a gun can be as high as 4,200 kilometers per hour, which is three times the speed of sound. But it is not even the fastest thing. The fastest man-made object would be the NASA Parker Solar Probe spacecraft which reached a speed of 535,000 kilometers per hour using the Sun's gravity! Now, that is fast. But you would be surprised to know that it is just 0.05% of the speed of light (300,000 kilometers per second). So, you can imagine just how fast light really is. And till now, it was surmised that nothing can travel faster than light. Bu...
New system created to watch stars dying- ‘literally ripped apart in front of our eyes’

New system created to watch stars dying- ‘literally ripped apart in front of our eyes’

[ad_1] Scientists have formed a new early warning system to capture the last moment of a dying star in a Supernova explosion. Death of stars has always been mysterious for astronomers. However, astronomers from the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and the University of Montpellier have developed an “early warning” system that can alert astronomers about the death of a massive star in a supernova explosion. Until now, it has been difficult to observe the moment of a star explosion. But for the first time, researchers have simulated the sudden death of a star's demise. Researchers have found that when a star is in the "red supergiant" phase i.e, the last phase of its life, dense material gets accumulated around it making it drastically dimmer. For the first time, researchers h...
Amazing! Mythical supernova found! Can reveal the origin of universe

Amazing! Mythical supernova found! Can reveal the origin of universe

[ad_1] Astronomers have discovered a supernova explosion that might belong to a mythical star. Space is filled with mysteries beyond our imagination. And one such mystery is the origin of universe. Scientists have multiple theories about it but all of them are hypothetical and exist only in theory. In fact, there are many theories about the origin of universe, some based on science and others based on beliefs. Over the years, we have found evidence that has given us confidence in these theories but we are yet to discover conclusive evidence of it. But now thanks to the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) of the 8.1-meter Gemini North telescope, a team of astronomers have discovered something which could potentially give...