Tag: sunspot explosion

Gigantic CME headed for the Earth, can spark solar storm soon; NASA records the explosion

Gigantic CME headed for the Earth, can spark solar storm soon; NASA records the explosion

[ad_1] Yesterday, it was reported that October could see the same amount of solar activity as the previous month. Currently, there are eight different active sunspot regions on the Earth-facing side of the Sun, and any one of them exploding could send terrifying coronal mass ejections (CME). In fact, that is what happened on October 3, when a sunspot exploded and caused a solar flare to erupt, which in the process, hurled a massive CME towards the Earth. Now, as per a NOAA forecast, this CME is expected to strike our planet on Saturday, October 7. Further, NASA has also shared a video of the event that shows the scary moment when the explosion takes place and the CME releases.As per a report by SpaceWeather, “NOAA forecasters say that a CME might graze Earth's magnetic field on Oct. 7th...
Solar storm threat for Earth rises after a helix CME was seen shooting out of the Sun

Solar storm threat for Earth rises after a helix CME was seen shooting out of the Sun

[ad_1] This week, the Earth has not been hit by a single solar storm. We have suffered some minor instances of radio blackouts and GPS disruptions due to solar winds, but apart from that, the Sun has remained quiet, even when a highly unstable sunspot, AR3405, has emerged in the Earth's view of the Sun. However, things could be changing. In the late hours of yesterday, strange radio emissions were detected, which is usually a warning sign for a solar flare eruption. Sure enough, a flare was set off and it did release a coronal mass ejection (CME), as per reports. The direction of the CME has not been confirmed so far, but there is a possibility that it could be Earth-bound.The initial report of a radio emission came from SpaceWeatherLive, an account on X that sends automated alerts for ...
Deadly solar storm coming towards Earth today; CME clouds approaching fast

Deadly solar storm coming towards Earth today; CME clouds approaching fast

[ad_1] The last solar activity in the month of July will finally show consequences in August as the coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud that was released during a magnetic filament eruption on July 28 is expected hit the Earth in a few hours today, August 1. The event was a major solar activity that sparked radio blackouts in some regions on Earth. The CME cloud that was released contains both highly charged particles and a high velocity, a combination of which can spark a powerful solar storm today. Check details.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “Geomagnetic storms are possible on Aug. 1st when a CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. Minor G1-class storms are likely with a chance of escalating to category G2. The CME was hurled almost directly toward Earth by the erupt...
CME attack threatens Earth with DANGEROUS solar storm, shows NASA SOHO; 1-2 punch likely

CME attack threatens Earth with DANGEROUS solar storm, shows NASA SOHO; 1-2 punch likely

[ad_1] After an amazing sunspot-filled June, July appears set to continue the trend of extreme solar volatility. We have already seen a radio blackout this month after a solar flare erupted on the notorious sunspot AR3554. Now, two separate coronal mass ejections (CME) have been released from the Sun and they are both partly Earth-directed, as per data from NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. This means that both will graze the Earth and spark solar storm events. And to make matters worse, it is expected that the second CME will catch up to the first, delivering two successive CME hits and amplifying the overall intensity of the solar storm.Dr. Tamitha Skov, a space weather physicist, said in a tweet, “Our #Sun celebrates #July4 with its own special fireworks! We have two partly ...
Terrifying solar flare sparks BLACKOUTS in US, Canada; NASA satellite spots blast

Terrifying solar flare sparks BLACKOUTS in US, Canada; NASA satellite spots blast

[ad_1] Earlier, it was reported that solar winds were expected to hit the Earth today, June 21, but so far, it has not reached our planet. However, a bigger threat struck the Earth in the late hours last night when a powerful solar flare explosion occurred on the Sun. The X-class solar flare eruption took place on a new sunspot named AR3341, and the impact of the flare was so strong that it sparked shortwave radio blackouts over the North American continent, including major parts of the USA and Canada. Further, a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud was also seen escaping, which has the researchers worried.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “New sunspot AR3341 erupted on June 20th, producing an X1.1-class solar flare. Radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere. ...
Solar storm DANGER looming! NASA’s SOHO shows high number of sunspots will face Earth soon

Solar storm DANGER looming! NASA’s SOHO shows high number of sunspots will face Earth soon

[ad_1] The second half of May and the first week of June were relatively quiet in terms of solar activity. The Earth did suffer a radio blackout earlier this week when sunspot AR3327 exploded and produced an M4.6-class solar flare. The sunspot has not exploded since then and it is likely that like the other sunspots present on the Earth-facing side of the Sun, it will also dissipate. However, the next week might bring trouble for our planet as the NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has spotted a high number of active sunspots on the farside of the Sun. Researchers believe that it can bring a spell of strong solar storms to Earth.As per a report by SpaceWeather.com, “Helioseismic maps of the farside of the sun show multiple large active regions, probably sunspots. This means ...
Solar storm threat increases as MASSIVE sunspot faces Earth, NASA satellite shows

Solar storm threat increases as MASSIVE sunspot faces Earth, NASA satellite shows

[ad_1] Last weekend, the NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite detected that a massive sunspot lurked on the farside of the Sun which was big enough to change the way the Sun vibrates. On its way to turning and facing the Earth, it exploded on Tuesday and released a nearly X-class solar flare that sparked radio blackouts in North America. Now, the gigantic sunspot is finally facing the Earth and researchers are concerned about the possibility of yet another major solar storm spell.As per a SpaceWeather.com report, “The source of Monday's partially-eclipsed X-flare is emerging into full view. It is a large sunspot, some 3 times wider than Earth, and is surrounded by a bright froth of magnetic turbulence. Since May 16th, it has been relatively quiet--gathering strength ...
G2-class solar storm HAMMERS the Earth; Blackouts to haunt Arctic Circle entire week

G2-class solar storm HAMMERS the Earth; Blackouts to haunt Arctic Circle entire week

[ad_1] Yesterday, it was reported that powerful bursts of coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds were released during a farside explosion on the Sun and some of it were deflected towards our planet due to shock waves. The resultant solar storm was found to peak at G2-class, which is considered a powerful event. The highly charged particles have ionized the atmosphere around the Arctic Circle and have caused a shortwave radio blackout condition. Check details.The incident was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted in its website, “Earth's magnetic field is storming again as our planet passes through the wake of a CME that struck during the early hours of March 15th…Storm levels are currently flickering between category G1 and G2”. The report also mentioned that a rare polar cap absorption...
Solar storm bludgeons Earth as CME strikes; Can intensify in next few hours

Solar storm bludgeons Earth as CME strikes; Can intensify in next few hours

[ad_1] Yesterday, March 14, NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) reported that a huge explosion took place on the farside of the Sun which spewed out an extremely rare coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds that were traveling at mind-bending speeds exceeding 3000 kilometers per second. Due to such a high speed, shock waves have been released, which sent some of the solar particles in the Earth's direction. Just hours back, these clouds made it to the Earth and sparked a solar storm. Worryingly, the storm can intensify in the hours to come.The incident was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted in its website, “A CME just hit Earth's magnetic field (March 15 @ 0415 UT), sparking a G1-class solar storm. Currently, conditions favor the development of even stronger G2-class storms...
Prepare for a solar storm attack today! Read NOAA warning

Prepare for a solar storm attack today! Read NOAA warning

[ad_1] This week has been oddly quiet for the Sun. While there have been reports of a new sunspot emerging on the Earth-facing side of the Sun, it has not shown any signs of turning unstable so far. However, the Earth will still have to deal with the terrifying explosions that took place in the notorious sunspot AR3234 last weekend. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) earlier reported that multiple M-class solar flares erupted on March 4 and 5 and they released a huge amount of coronal mass ejection (CME) towards the Earth. Now, the CME cloud is expected to sideswipe our planet today, March 9 to produce a solar storm. Check details below.The incident was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted on its website, “Minor solar storms are possible later today or tomor...