Tag: sugar and diet

Sugar Not Sweet For Skin: 5 Side-Effects Of Sugar You Should Know

Sugar Not Sweet For Skin: 5 Side-Effects Of Sugar You Should Know

[ad_1] You probably know by now that consuming excessive amounts of sugar is not great for your health. However, some people still tend to overindulge. We have news that might make you reconsider reaching for that large slice of cake and encourage you to walk away. Sugar is detrimental to our skin as it accelerates the ageing process! Yes, you heard us right. Your diet, among many other factors, plays a significant role in damaging your skin's health, and sugar is one of the worst culprits. We understand that sugar is present in various foods, but it's crucial to recognize the significant difference between natural and added sugar. While natural sugar is a healthy component for nourishment, added sugars have a negative impact on your health.In this article, we will explore some warning s...