Tag: star dust

NASA James Webb Space Telescope solves the mystery of these colossal rings

NASA James Webb Space Telescope solves the mystery of these colossal rings

[ad_1] NASA James Webb Space Telescope captures this stunning image of the rare Wolf-Rayet 140. This striking image taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope may puzzle and dazzle many. It depicts the rare Wolf-Rayet 140 (WR 140), a double star system, or a binary star system, which is around 5000 light-years from Earth. This Wolf-Rayet star is one in 600 found so far. And these mysterious rings around the star are dust shells that extend outwards over an enormous area of 10 trillion km! To keep it simple, it can be understood as being 70000 times the distance between Earth and our Sun. This stunning image has been captured by the most powerful James Webb Space Telescope.NASA shared this breathtaking image while explaining that “Just as growth rings record the history of a tree, thes...
Space ripple! NASA James Webb Space Telescope captures WEIRD rings around a star

Space ripple! NASA James Webb Space Telescope captures WEIRD rings around a star

[ad_1] The NASA James Webb Space Telescope has managed to capture an extremely strange phenomenon. An image taken by it shows strange ripple-like rings around a star. The NASA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has already built its reputation for capturing unimaginable sights from distant space. Yet, with every new find, it inspires the same awe and sense of wonder. In its latest find, the tech marvel has found a giant, distant star. But it is not the star which is strange, it is the space around it. The star is surrounded by concentric angular rings which can be seen for millions of kilometers around it. The rings eerily resemble a water ripple. So, what exactly are these rings and what is causing them to form such a structure around a star? Read on to find out.NASA JWST captures rin...