Tag: sprouts benefits

5 Carrot-Based Salads To Help You Lose Those Extra Kilos

5 Carrot-Based Salads To Help You Lose Those Extra Kilos

[ad_1] One of the most go-to meals when it comes to weight loss is salads. They are high in fibre and water content which promotes fullness without those extra calories. The best part is that you can incorporate almost every vegetable in a salad, including humble carrots, which are available in the market in abundance. Delightfully crunchy and vibrant in colour, carrots are a powerhouse of nutrition and a winter staple in Indian households. This veggie is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibres, making it an excellent meal ingredient when you want to lose those extra kilos. They add a vibrant colour and pleasing crunch to your meals, leaving you asking for more. Plus, their natural sweetness balances the savoury and tangy flavours of the meals. One of the best ways to get the most out...
Eat Sprouts For Weight Loss: Here Are The Top Benefits And Easy Recipes

Eat Sprouts For Weight Loss: Here Are The Top Benefits And Easy Recipes

[ad_1] If you are on a weight loss diet, you must realize that legumes can greatly benefit you. Rich in fibre, protein, and nutrients, they can work wonders for weight management and overall health. Many types of legumes are commonly found in Indian kitchens, so you don't have to worry much about availability either. There is a way to take advantage of their benefits in a different manner: by sprouting them. Bean sprouts can help you lose weight when consumed in the right manner. They can be bought ready-made or formed at home and then turned into yummy and healthy dishes. We have provided some recipes below to get you started.Also Read: Cooking Hack: 6 Simple Tips To Keep Sprouts Fresh For LongerWhy Are Sprouts Good For Weight Loss?Sprouted beans tend to be richer in nutrients than unsp...