Tag: spotted Sun

Terrifying G-5 class geomagnetic storm coming? Can destroy satellites, gadgets on Earth

Terrifying G-5 class geomagnetic storm coming? Can destroy satellites, gadgets on Earth

[ad_1] Is the most powerful Geomagnetic storm, of G-5 class, on the way? The Sun has been throwing some terrifying fits lately and the potential for that is always there. Here is what is happening. When particles thrown out by our Sun interact with the magnetosphere and the ionosphere of the Earth after a solar eruption, huge amounts of material crash into Earth. The magnetic field lines of the Earth temporarily get disturbed, and they release extremely high amounts of magnetic energy, causing the formation of Geomagnetic Storms. Most geomagnetic storms that are sparked on Earth are classed as G1 or G2, which are of relatively low intensity. But that does not mean that the planet is safe from the impact of a strong Geomagnetic storm of higher, more dangerous, classes.Recently, astropho...
SPOTTED Sun could be the harbinger of extremely dangerous solar storm on Earth

SPOTTED Sun could be the harbinger of extremely dangerous solar storm on Earth

[ad_1] Ever since the start of the year 2023, the Earth has been continuously bombarded by solar storms. So far, not a single week has gone without one incident of solar particles hitting our atmosphere. We have seen multiple X-class solar flare eruptions, G3-class solar storms and super-charged CME clouds and solar winds wreaking havoc on our planet. And still, the worst is yet to come. That is what astronomers believe after many have detected a spotted Sun during sunrise in regions of higher altitudes. Why has the Sun turned spotted and why is it a sign of a terrifying solar storm approaching? Find out.As per a report by SpaceWeather.com, it was revealed some astrophotographers, who have taken photos of the morning Sun, have seen a spotted pattern on it. The spots were later revealed...