Tag: spicy dessert

Wait, What? Mayo in Cake and Chips in Candy?! 5 Desserts That Break All the Rules!

Wait, What? Mayo in Cake and Chips in Candy?! 5 Desserts That Break All the Rules!

[ad_1] When exploring food on social media, you will find delicious recipes, weight loss diets, restaurant recommendations, and sneak peeks into what your favourite celebrities are eating. There is one more category of the food world that is the fastest to go viral on our feeds and DMs: videos of bizarre, experimental foods. From ice cream topped on dosa to dosa beaten and turned into ice cream, the world of bizarre food combinations is ever-growing and grabbing everyone's attention. These weird food trends may be transient, with one new bizarre idea replacing another in a matter of a few days.However, some genuine food recipes are prepared using a 'shocking' ingredient. This is common in the world of desserts. If you think all desserts are made with sugar, cream, chocolate, caramel, fru...