Tag: space science news

ISRO set to launch Shukrayaan and XPoSat missions to exploring the universe’s mysteries

ISRO set to launch Shukrayaan and XPoSat missions to exploring the universe’s mysteries

[ad_1] The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set for its upcoming missions Shukrayaan to Venus and the X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat). These missions come after the successful Chandrayaan-3 and Aditya L-1 missions. Let's take a closer look at what ISRO has in store.XPoSat MissionIn December of this year, ISRO will launch XPoSat, also known as the X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite. This satellite has a unique purpose: to study bright X-ray pulsars and stars that are nearing the end of their lifecycle. It will provide valuable insights into the universe's secrets. Shukrayaan MissionISRO is gearing up for the Venus mission, known as 'Shukrayaan.' This mission aims to explore Venus, the brightest planet in our solar system. Scientists have already configured the mission, and ...
Solar flare eruptions likely soon, but solar storms not seen hitting Earth over the weekend

Solar flare eruptions likely soon, but solar storms not seen hitting Earth over the weekend

[ad_1] This weekend promises a stark contrast to the geomagnetic fireworks we witnessed last week. Unlike the previous weekend, there are no looming Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) threatening Earth's magnetic field. Our planet's magnetosphere is expected to remain serene and undisturbed from any solar storm.According to a report by spaceweather.com, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have revealed details of the sunspot AR3451, a newcomer on the solar stage, which has suddenly sprung to life. It has rapidly grown over the past 24 hours, boasting more than a dozen dark cores, two of which are larger than Earth itself. While magnetic observations of this sunspot are not conclusive due to its orientation away from Earth, it seems to possess a complex '...