Tag: space companies

US warns space companies about foreign spying

US warns space companies about foreign spying

[ad_1] U.S. counterintelligence agencies on Friday warned the American space industry to guard against efforts by foreign intelligence entities to steal research and trade secrets as they try to boost their own countries' space programs."We anticipate growing threats to this burgeoning sector of the U.S. economy," a U.S. counterintelligence official told Reuters, adding that "China and Russia are among the leading foreign intelligence threats to the U.S. space industry." The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) issued a two-page bulletin, saying unspecified foreign entities were using cyberattacks and techniques such as strategic investment through joint ventures and ...
Global Space Spending Is Projected to Grow 41% Over the Next Five Years

Global Space Spending Is Projected to Grow 41% Over the Next Five Years

[ad_1] The global space economy grew 8% to $546 billion in 2022 and is projected to climb another 41% over the next five years, according to a leading space nonprofit.The sector is expected to show resiliency in the coming years, despite uncertainty about the global economy and a recent slowdown in space investment. Companies are seeing continued revenue growth from commercial space assets and governments around the world boosting expenditures, according to a report from the Space Foundation, a Colorado Springs, Colorado-based space flight advocacy group. The analysis considered spending from 51 governments, as well as commercial revenue from companies in 11 space industry sub-sectors. “Commercial space is the vital growing sector of the overall space economy,” Lesley Conn, director of ...