Tag: solar storm warning

Solar storm warning: NASA turns to AI for help

Solar storm warning: NASA turns to AI for help

[ad_1] NASA's AI-enabled predictions can offer advance notice for solar storms, providing crucial preparation time to protect power grids and crucial infrastructure. The AI model can forecast the location of an upcoming solar storm with a 30-minute lead time by examining spacecraft data of the solar wind.Solar storms are intense disturbances caused by the sudden release of energy from the Sun. These storms have a significant impact on Earth's space environment, disrupting satellite communication, power grids, and navigation systems. Now, NASA has leveraged the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve our understanding and forecast of solar storms. Understanding Solar Storms and their impactThe Sun constantly emits solar material, which includes a steady stream known as "solar wi...
Earth will get under 20 min solar storm warning before it hits power grid

Earth will get under 20 min solar storm warning before it hits power grid

[ad_1] The world may have as little as 20 minutes to prepare for a solar storm that could severely impact power grids, it has been revealed. With solar activity expected to reach its peak in 2025, Earth's energy grids may not be adequately equipped to handle the consequences, The National News reported.The powerful bursts of energy emitted by the Sun during solar storms have the potential to cause physical damage and trigger magnetic storms that disrupt systems on the ground. Unfortunately, long-range forecasting in this field is currently inadequate, according to an official from the UK's Met Office, which is responsible for predicting space weather. While short-term forecasts are relatively accurate, predicting events over a longer timeframe proves challenging. Solar storms can also h...
AI-powered DAGGER to give warning for CATASTROPHIC solar storms: NASA

AI-powered DAGGER to give warning for CATASTROPHIC solar storms: NASA

[ad_1] The year 2023 has seen some of the most intense solar storms in the last decade. We have seen two G4-class solar storms, multiple G3-class storms and a multitude of solar flare-related radio blackouts. Astronomers have realized that the next catastrophic solar storm event may not be too far away. But with how things are, there is not much we can do about it. While NASA has its own prediction models, their accuracy is not too high. In fact, in most cases, we cannot correctly predict when the storm will strike till it has already hit the Earth. But that is about to change, with a new technology NASA has jointly developed with the U.S. Geological Survey and the Department of Energy at the Frontier Development Lab. NASA calls it DAGGER and it runs on AI and machine learning.Short for...
Solar storm warning! Direct hit on Earth expected by 2,00,000 km long solar filament

Solar storm warning! Direct hit on Earth expected by 2,00,000 km long solar filament

[ad_1] Space science experts have predicted that a massive Solar storm is heading to Earth. The Sun’s explosion erupted 2,00,000 km long filament. The sun seems to be in a pretty active mood as it has been throwing solar explosions and solar storms to earth. And the latest is a 200000 Km long solar filament erupted on the solar surface leaving scientists and researchers worried about a possible solar storm directed at Earth. As shared by spaceweather.com, the giant filament of magnetism erupted from the southern hemisphere of the Sun, appearing like a rubber band. The portal that keeps a track of all the activities going on in our solar system shares, “A magnetic filament in the sun's southern hemisphere erupted on Oct. 4th, hurling part of itself into space. ”Spaceweather experts hav...