Tag: solar storm tomorrow

Multiple M-class solar flares erupt on the Sun triggering radio blackouts on Earth, reveals NOAA

Multiple M-class solar flares erupt on the Sun triggering radio blackouts on Earth, reveals NOAA

[ad_1] Yesterday, December 5, a minor solar storm struck the Earth sparking auroras in the arctic circles. It was a minor affair, but the solar activities have been relentless with the Sun nearing the peak of its solar cycle. In the last 24 hours, three separate M-class solar flares have erupted on the Sun, releasing extreme ultraviolet radiation. The radiation has resulted in triggering short-wave radio blackouts on Earth, as per data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is unclear at this point whether any of these eruptions have released coronal mass ejections directed at our planet, which could further cause solar storms in the coming days.The official X account of Space Weather Live, a website monitoring solar storms and other space weather-related phenomena...
Powerful solar storm strikes! More possible today as solar winds rush towards the Earth

Powerful solar storm strikes! More possible today as solar winds rush towards the Earth

[ad_1] Last week, a forecast revealed that three coronal mass ejections had a probability of striking the Earth early this week. The forecast had given different probabilities based on how different circumstances can affect the intensity of the resultant solar storm. It turned out that in a rare coincidence, the conditions were met to spark the worst-possible solar event, and a G3-class storm ensued yesterday, November 6. While a lot of it has subsided, the solar storm event does not look like it is going to subside anytime soon. A stream of solar winds is headed for the Earth, and it can spark another round of solar storms, that can reach the intensity of G2-class, which is possible today, November 7. According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “NOAA forecasters say there is a chance of...
Solar flare erupts on Sun, detects NASA; blackouts over Australia, Solar storm likely

Solar flare erupts on Sun, detects NASA; blackouts over Australia, Solar storm likely

[ad_1] Despite multiple close calls, we have been quite lucky when it comes to solar storms. Even as multiple solar flares have erupted over the last 10 days, only one released a coronal mass ejection (CME) that made its way to the Earth. However, things can now change with the latest eruption that took place in the sunspot region AR3452. The NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory detected the eruption, and as per reports, it took place on the eastern limb of the Sun. If there was any CME directed towards the Sun, there would be another solar storm event in the next 48 hours.The official X account of Space Weather Live, a website monitoring solar storms and other space weather-related phenomena, posted about it at 8 AM, today, October 10. The post mentioned, “Moderate M1.61 flare from sunspot ...
3 MASSIVE solar storms smacked into Earth; More to come? NASA reveals the truth

3 MASSIVE solar storms smacked into Earth; More to come? NASA reveals the truth

[ad_1] Yesterday, an unstable sunspot named AR3450 was spotted coming towards the Earth. It was estimated that any explosions within this region that could lead to a coronal mass ejection (CME) would be geoeffective and could lead to a solar storm event. However, it has not gone off so far and no solar flare activity has been noted. While astrophysicists are keeping an eye on it, a new report has highlighted that the month of September witnessed as many as three separate solar storm events, with two of them being significantly intense to the point of reaching the mid-latitude regions. With the peak of the 11-year Solar Cycle, the Solar Maximum, approaching soon, will the month of October be worse? We take a look at the data from the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to know what's c...
What are solar radiation storms and their impact on Earth?

What are solar radiation storms and their impact on Earth?

[ad_1] Every now and then we hear about solar storms and solar flares being spewed out by the Sun and the impact it has on Earth including on satellites and power grids. But have you heard about solar radiation storms? Before discussing the term, let's first know what are solar storms and solar flares.NASA describes a solar flare as an intense blast of radiation caused by the release of magnetic energy from sunspots. Whereas, solar storms refer to the atmospheric consequences on Earth due to space events like coronal mass ejections and solar flares originating from the Sun. What is a solar radiation storm?According to the Space Weather Prediction Center reported, solar radiation storms are large-scale magnetic eruptions that cause coronal mass ejections (CME) and associated solar flare....
The solar storm that shook the solar system, know all about the shocking Bastille Day event

The solar storm that shook the solar system, know all about the shocking Bastille Day event

[ad_1] On July 15, 2000, the Earth was hit by an unexpected solar storm. The storm was sparked by a coronal mass ejection (CME) that was released after an X5.7-class solar flare erupted on the Sun. The terrifying event was witnessed by the NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, which was launched just five years earlier. But that was not the only NASA spacecraft to witness the solar storm. The Voyager 1 spacecraft, which was placed at the edge of the solar system, also felt the shockwaves produced by the flare eruption. Today, this event is known as the Bastille Day solar storm, and as it completes its 23rd anniversary, let us know more about it.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “Its impact on July 15, 2000, sparked an extreme (Kp=9) geomagnetic storm. By the time the storm s...
As sunspot count reaches a 21-year high, threat of a Carrington-level solar storm for Earth rises

As sunspot count reaches a 21-year high, threat of a Carrington-level solar storm for Earth rises

[ad_1] As we enter July, the solar data from the previous month has been published and the number is terrifying. In June 2023, the average number of sunspots was counted to be 163. As a result, 2023 has also broken a 21-year record for the highest number of sunspots. And it has only been one half of a year. The current projection will make the peak of Solar Cycle 25 far greater than its predecessor, even as initial predictions said it would be weaker than Solar Cycle 24. With the rising intensity of solar activity, researchers fear that a powerful Carrington event-level solar storm could soon strike the Earth.As per the data from the Royal Observatory of Belgium's Solar Influences Data Analysis Center, the average number of sunspots in June was 163, and it has taken 2023 to a 21-year hi...
Dangerous solar storm to strike Earth on Sunday, reveals NOAA satellite

Dangerous solar storm to strike Earth on Sunday, reveals NOAA satellite

[ad_1] Yesterday, it was reported that solar activity is about to pick up with a new giant sunspot coming into Earth's view, which appears to contain a huge amount of unstable delta magnetic charge. But before it can terrorize Earth, we have to face another solar storm threat. Right now, a cloud of coronal mass ejection (CME) is moving towards the Earth, which is expected to deliver glancing blows. It was released after a magnetic filament in the Sun's southern hemisphere erupted. The CME is expected to reach by Sunday, May 21. Check out the details around this incoming solar storm.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “NOAA forecasters say that a CME might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 21st. It left the sun yesterday, propelled by an erupting filament of...
BEWARE! Terrifying solar storm is set to blast Earth today; Know the dangers

BEWARE! Terrifying solar storm is set to blast Earth today; Know the dangers

[ad_1] On Tuesday, it was revealed that a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud was released during a powerful solar flare eruption over the weekend. This flare was a part of multiple such eruptions that took place over a period of three days when a sunspot complex turned unstable and reversed its polarity. The resultant CME is said to be a potent one and is capable of sparking a powerful solar storm on Earth. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted that the storm will hit our planet later today, May 11.As per a report by SpaceWeather.com, “Strong G3-class geomagnetic storms are possible today, May 11th, when a CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. At the time, the CME was traveling faster than 1,000 km/s (2.2 million mph). According to NOAA's lates...
Solar storm fury! Multiple solar flare explosions cause nonstop BLACKOUTS on Earth

Solar storm fury! Multiple solar flare explosions cause nonstop BLACKOUTS on Earth

[ad_1] The minor geomagnetic storm, which was supposed to be sparked by multiple coronal mass ejections (CMEs), has passed us by without causing much concern. However, a new development on the Sun has begun troubling the Earth. A sunspot complex including AR3293, AR3294, AR3295, and AR3296 has turned unstable and is crackling with solar flares. These flares have been erupting incessantly and as a result of the intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation, a rolling series of radio blackouts have been caused on Earth. Find out if another solar storm is likely.According to a SpaceWeather report, “Sunspot complex AR3293-3296 is crackling with strong M-class solar flares--six of them today so far. Pulses of extreme UV radiation are causing a rolling series of shortwave radio blackouts around the days...