Tag: solar storm qantas airways

This solar storm almost KILLED all passengers on a Qantas plane; check terrifying TRUTH

This solar storm almost KILLED all passengers on a Qantas plane; check terrifying TRUTH

[ad_1] In 2008, a menacing solar storm injured many passengers in a plane. It could have easily killed them all in a Qantas airliner. The popular notion around solar storm is that it is dangerous for electronic devices, satellites, wireless communication systems like Internet and radio waves, but it does not pose a threat to humans. This essentially means that during a solar storm, the radiation reaching a human is not powerful enough to burn their skin or kill them. However, this absolutely does not mean a solar storm cannot kill us indirectly. With our reliance on technology, solar storms can affect us in ways previously unimaginable. Take the example of this 2008 solar storm event which almost killed the 303 passengers and 10 crew members aboard a Qantas plane. Sounds unbelievable?...
Solar storms can KILL you; They are more dangerous now than you think; check chilling TRUTH

Solar storms can KILL you; They are more dangerous now than you think; check chilling TRUTH

[ad_1] Solar storms are fearsome and have terrifying consequences. Now, they hold even more terror for us. When a solar storm struck the Earth in 1859 it caused fires to break out spontaneously in telegraph system and gave electric shocks to operators. It destroyed the telegraph system and caused power grid failure. It was a terrifying event. The destruction was limited though simply because there were almost no electric or electronic power or electronic devices which could be impacted by the magnetized radiation of a solar storm. But in 2022, the reality is totally different. With Earth becoming a more connected space and humans more dependent on technology from computers, phone to satellites, we have become more prone to falling victims to solar storms. And their attacks are not jus...