Tag: Solar storm danger

Solar storm warning: Unstable sunspots could hurl out X-class solar flares today, NASA says

Solar storm warning: Unstable sunspots could hurl out X-class solar flares today, NASA says

[ad_1] Even though we're just 4 days into 2024, we've seen already seen several strong solar flares hurled out towards Earth, sparking a solar storm. On December 31, the Sun hurled out an X-class solar flare that hit Earth just a few days ago, and it is still causing radio blackouts in the polar regions. The Sun has been showing all its might for the past couple of months and as we approach the solar maximum that will likely occur in 2024-25, its wrath is only expected to increase. NASA has revealed that the effects of this rising solar activity are now being seen again as multiple sunspots possess energy for solar flares that can spark a solar storm. Know all about this upcoming solar storm today.Solar storm todayAccording to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), only...
Extremely RARE auroras sparked by solar storm captured over India

Extremely RARE auroras sparked by solar storm captured over India

[ad_1] Earth faced a triple threat from CMEs that were hurled out by the Sun on November 5, and 6, and all of them hit the planet. This sparked a dangerous G3-class geomagnetic storm. Interestingly, the effects of the solar storm did not subside until November 7 and in fact it deteriorated just a little to a G2-class storm. Unlike G1 or G2 solar storms which are minor, G3 storms have the potential to cause drag in the upper atmosphere and push smaller satellites around, causing both disruption of signals as well as damage to sensitive instruments. While no such incidents were reported this time, the G3 solar storm caused stunning auroras that were visible in various parts of the world, including in Ladakh, India.Rare aurorasThe Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) which is operated by ...
Solar Storm smashes through Earth’s magnetic field! Rare pink auroras streak the sky

Solar Storm smashes through Earth’s magnetic field! Rare pink auroras streak the sky

[ad_1] A recent solar storm put a hole in the magnetosphere, allowing dangerous solar particles to pass through. The Sun is in the middle of its 11-year solar cycle leading to an increase in solar activity and solar output in the past few months. As the Sun further enters the peak of its solar cycle, more solar storms are expected to spark geomagnetic storms on the planet. Strong Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) have been observed being emitted from the Sun in the past couple of days. However, none have caused a physical effect as big as the Solar storm which hit Earth on November 3.According to Live Science, a solar storm hit Earth on November 3, smashing through the Earth's magnetosphere, which is the magnetic field around the planet. Although the hole in the Earth's magnetic field was...
Can solar storms be dangerous for humans? Find out here

Can solar storms be dangerous for humans? Find out here

[ad_1] Solar storms can definitely be dangerous for humans. Here is how. How bad can the impact of a solar storm be? Well, solar storms can be dangerous and can have severe impact on humans. According to a report by BBC, a solar storm affected a heart pacemaker and almost killed a woman. According to the report, a woman named Marie Moe, a cyber security researcher found her muscle just to the left of her breastbone pulsating while she was on a plane, about 20 minutes from Amsterdam. "She knew immediately that something was wrong with her pacemaker, the small medical device implanted in her chest that used electrical impulses to steady her heartbeat," the report stated. The lady got afraid and alerted the cabin crew. The crew then arranged for an ambulance at the airport. As Moe arri...
Solar storm danger! Huge sunspot erupts, hurls solar debris towards Earth

Solar storm danger! Huge sunspot erupts, hurls solar debris towards Earth

[ad_1] A recent CME eruption on the surface of the Sun has resulted in the planet being bombarded with solar particles and could pose a solar storm danger. The Sun is nearing the middle of its 11-year solar cycle, resulting in increased solar activity and solar output. Earth has faced numerous solar flares these past few months and more are expected as the Sun moves ahead in its cycle. A recent Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has been observed emitting from the Sun which has sent solar debris hurtling towards the planet, according to spaceweather.com. A geomagnetic storm warning has also been issued for today as these CMEs reach the planet.Sunspot AR3112 which has been in an unstable state for the past few days has finally erupted today, releasing a strong M-1 class solar flare. According...