Tag: solar flare impact

Sunspot explosion blasts out M-class solar flares! Causes radio blackout in USA

Sunspot explosion blasts out M-class solar flares! Causes radio blackout in USA

[ad_1] The possibility of the Sun causing catastrophic damage on Earth might seem something out of a science-fiction film, but this threat is very true. One of the best examples of Solar activity harming Earth was provided by the Roland Emmerich film 2012. It depicted the apocalypse prophesied by the Mayans many centuries ago. The storyline of the movie revolved around the Sun emitting unstable neutrinos because of anomalous energy processes, which were causing the Earth's core to heat up and eventually lead to its destruction. Although the ‘science' part of the film was a bit over the top, the threat posed by the Sun could cause significant damage on Earth, and a recent solar flare impact gave us a hint of the Sun's mighty power. Solar flare impactAccording to a report by spaceweather...
Sunspot could unleash terrifying X-class solar flares! Solar storm on the cards too?

Sunspot could unleash terrifying X-class solar flares! Solar storm on the cards too?

[ad_1] Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. Just last month, a menacing cloud of coronal mass ejection, erupting from a sunspot that was 20 times wider than Earth, struck the planet and unleashed a horrifying solar storm that caught everyone off guard. This was later declared the most devastating solar storm in 6 years.Now, forecasters have discovered a sunspot on the solar surface which could hurl dangerous solar flares. Solar flare riskAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has observed a sunspot, named AR3288, which could unleash dangerous solar energy. This sunspot is dangerous as it curr...
Dangerous sunspots could hurl out terrifying M-class solar flares at Earth!

Dangerous sunspots could hurl out terrifying M-class solar flares at Earth!

[ad_1] Remember the film 2012 which showed the end of the world, as predicted by the ancient Mayan civilisation thousands of years ago? The film's plot was based on the Sun releasing unstable neutrinos due to unusual energy processes in the Sun which were heating up Earth's core. Although this might seem like a terrifying scenario, the science behind the film was questionable. But the threat posed by the Sun is very true. Forecasters have recently discovered multiple sunspots on the solar surface which could hurl dangerous solar flares towards Earth.Solar flare riskAccording to a report by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), multiple sunspots, named AR3280 and AR3281, have been observed in the solar regions. These sunspots are dangerous as they currently have unstable 'beta-gamma' ...
Solar flare today! Sun spews out terrifying C-class solar flare; Planet in peril?

Solar flare today! Sun spews out terrifying C-class solar flare; Planet in peril?

[ad_1] Recently, a minor shortwave radio blackout over the Indian Ocean area due to a newly formed sunspot which exploded, spitting out an M3-class solar flare on April 6. The affected countries included India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and even China, Japan, and South Korea. The Sun has gradually become violent due to its Solar Cycle 29 which is expected to hit its peak in July 2025. Therefore, Earth is in for a rough ride until then. Recently, the Sun spewed out C-class solar flare which could make its way towards Earth soon.According to a report by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as many as 19 C-class flares were produced by the Sun yesterday, April 9. The strongest of them was a C-9.1 solar flare, just shy of an M-class solar flare which was hurled out. ...
Dangerous C1-class solar flare likely to hit Earth

Dangerous C1-class solar flare likely to hit Earth

[ad_1] Solar activity has been ramping up over the last few months as we move ahead towards the peak of solar cycle 25, which is expected to be around July 2025. This is the main reason why the Sun has become so violent and Earth is in the firing line of various solar phenomena for the next few years. And yes, it can be dangerous. Although the past couple of days have been quieter than usual in terms of solar activity, a solar flare was still spewed out by the Sun recently.According to a report by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as many as 4 sunspots have been recently observed on the solar surface. Although solar activity is expected to be at a low, there is still a chance of a C1-class solar flare to be hurled out by the Sun in the coming days. The rep...
Terrifying X-class solar flare hits Earth! Sparks radio blackouts

Terrifying X-class solar flare hits Earth! Sparks radio blackouts

[ad_1] Sun's activity has been rising in the past few months as we head further towards the peak of Solar Cycle 25. Although Solar Max isn't expected until 2024 or 2025, it has already resulted in dangerous solar activity such as solar flares, CME eruptions and solar storms hitting Earth, which have caused an impact. Just days ago, as many as 9 sunspot groups had been observed on the Earth-facing side of the Sun. One of them was sunspot AR3256 which was initially deemed to be stable, but it suddenly erupted.Solar flare impactAccording to NASA, the Sun emitted a strong solar flare, peaking at 10:33 p.m. ET on March 28, 2023. It was classified as an X1.2 flare. Solar flares are rated on the basis of their intensity with the most intense being an X-class solar flare, while the number provi...
Danger! Powerful X-class solar flare hits Earth; South America suffers blackout

Danger! Powerful X-class solar flare hits Earth; South America suffers blackout

[ad_1] Recently, an unusual activity on the surface of the Sun baffled scientists recently. NASA's James Webb telescope captured a huge part of the Sun breaking off of its surface. Resultantly, it created a tornado-like swirl around its North Pole. It is due to the violent sunspot AR3213, which has exploded again and caused a solar flare eruption. Sunspot AR3217 is said to have a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. And that's exactly what happened just now! A giant and powerful solar flare erupted from the surface of the Sun.The incident was reported by SpaceWeather.com on its website where it noted, “Earth-orbiting satellites have just detected an X1.1-class solar flare from sunspot AR3217 on February 11 at 15:48 UTC. Extreme UV radiation io...
NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory captures strong solar flare eruption

NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory captures strong solar flare eruption

[ad_1] A strong solar flare has erupted on the Sun in early January and it has been captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics observatory. Informing about the same NASA Sun and Space tweeted, "#ICYMI: In early January of 2023, a strong solar flare erupted on the Sun. NASA's Solar in Dynamics Observatory captured the event." It can be known that eruptions on the Sun differ in various ways."Eruptions on the Sun differ in how they look, how they travel, and even in the way they impact us here on Earth. Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) both involve enormous explosions of energy – and at times may even occur simultaneously," another tweet by NASA Sun and Space read. The research organisation further explained the difference between solar flare and coronal mass ejections (CME). A solar...
Giant sunspot facing Earth raises M-class Solar Flare fear

Giant sunspot facing Earth raises M-class Solar Flare fear

[ad_1] NOAA has predicted that there is a 60 percent chance of M-class solar flare today due to a giant sunspot which is facing the Earth. A giant sunspot detected on the surface of the Sun has raised fears of a strong Solar flare being spewed out that may hit Earth. NOAA forecasters warned that there is a 60 percent chance of an M-class solar flare and a 15 percent chance of X-class flare. It must be noted that an X-class solar flare denotes one of the most intense flares. Basically, solar flares are classified into four classes - A, B, C, M, and X, based on their intensity. Solar flares are intense bursts of radiation coming from the release of magnetic energy, from a Sunspot.The report from SpaceWeather.com suggested that the main source of these strong solar flares is a giant suns...
Danger! Volatile sun hurls massive solar storm towards Earth

Danger! Volatile sun hurls massive solar storm towards Earth

[ad_1] NOAA forecasters have warned about a solar storm which could hit Earth soon. The Sun is currently near the peak of its 11-year solar cycle, which has resulted in frequent solar flares and coronal mass ejections. As the cycle ends, the frequency of these phenomena will decrease. Scientists have been monitoring the sun for signs of increased activity, and have issued a solar storm warning. A minor G-1 class geomagnetic storm impacted the planet just yesterday and we could now see a solar flare emerging from the Sun that could spew out a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) which could hit the planet soon. NOAA forecasters have revealed that a M4 - class solar flare erupted from the Sun on January 14 which left dark plasma on the canopy of Sunspot AR3182. This debris has carved a path f...