Tag: solar flare hits Earth

Sun sparks solar storm, causes radio blackouts on Earth; NASA SDO reveals reason and affected regions

Sun sparks solar storm, causes radio blackouts on Earth; NASA SDO reveals reason and affected regions

[ad_1] On December 31, the Sun generated the strongest solar flare in 7 years and it was captured by the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). It originated from the same sunspot that hurled out another X2.8 solar flare on December 14. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this X-class solar flare also sparked radio blackouts. Now, it has been revealed that Earth is still reeling from the efforts of the solar storm thereby generated, and radio blackouts are still being observed. The regions specifically hit are in the Polar regions. The solar storm also generated some beautiful auroras in this region. Know all about it.X-class solar flare sparks radio blackoutsThe solar flare hurled out by the Sun was of X5.0 intensity. The NOAA report states, “An X2....
NASA’s SDO snaps strongest solar flare since 2017, sparking radio blackouts on Earth

NASA’s SDO snaps strongest solar flare since 2017, sparking radio blackouts on Earth

[ad_1] Slowly and steadily, solar activity has been on the rise after a brief lull. In the last few months, we've witnessed a growing number of solar flares, and solar storms, all of which have been linked to the current solar cycle. For the unaware, the solar cycle is an 11-year period during which the Sun's activity crests and troughs. According to scientists, the solar cycle 25 will enter the peak of solar maximum in mid-2024, and it has already exceeded the predicted number of sunspots. However, the solar activity isn't likely to decrease anytime soon, and a stark reminder of the Sun's might was witnessed on December 31, 2023, as the strongest solar flare since 2017 was recorded by NASA. Check details.Solar flareAccording to NASA, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) captured the st...
Solar storm approaching Earth soon, set to hit on January 1! Auroras to be visible in high latitudes

Solar storm approaching Earth soon, set to hit on January 1! Auroras to be visible in high latitudes

[ad_1] With 2024 approaching, the frequency of solar storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and other solar phenomena is set to increase. According to various models and predictions by scientists, the solar cycle 25 will enter the peak of solar maximum in mid-2024. Solar maximum is when the Sun has the highest number of sunspots (active areas of solar flares). These sunspots are what send these vicious solar storms toward the Earth. A recent report has suggested that a solar storm is set to hit Earth and there's a chance that it will generate auroras. Know all about it.Solar storm todayAccording to Space Weather Physicist Dr. Tamitha Skov, a solar storm was launched towards Earth on December 25. It will result in fast solar winds that are expected to boost solar flares and solar stor...
Terrifying X-class solar flare hits Earth, sparks radio blackout across US, says NASA

Terrifying X-class solar flare hits Earth, sparks radio blackout across US, says NASA

[ad_1] The Sun has been showing all its might for the past couple of months and as we approach the solar maximum, which will likely occur in 2025, its wrath is only expected to increase. The solar maximum is the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. At solar max, the changes in the Sun's magnetic field result in more solar activity such as sunspots, CMEs, eruptions, and more. The effects of this rising solar activity were seen a few days ago as NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recorded the strongest solar flare of this solar cycle 25. Know all about it.Solar flare capturedAccording to NOAA, the solar flare that was emitted from the Sun's surface was of X2.8 intensity which originated from the Active solar region 2514, and hi...