Tag: smelly food

5 Smelly Foods To Avoid In Your School Or Office Lunch Box

5 Smelly Foods To Avoid In Your School Or Office Lunch Box

[ad_1] I remember this incident from a few weeks ago, when Delhi mornings were still cold and people were not letting go of that one layer of jacket or cardigan. I was going to work in the metro and breakfast time was upon us. Now some people have their breakfast early in the morning while others do so after reaching work, depending on their work schedule and body clock. Fair enough. What was not so fair was when one breakfast-hungry passenger pulled open her 'dabba', and nearly left the rest of us fighting for fresh air.Half of the metro coach was filled with a stench so strong, it could only be 'gobhi ke paranthe'. While the woman ate, passengers around wearing face masks pulled them over their noses, and those without a mask cursed themselves for not carrying one.I have a lot of love ...