Tag: Small Magellanic Cloud

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 7 March 2023: Stellar Large Magellanic Cloud

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 7 March 2023: Stellar Large Magellanic Cloud

[ad_1] Most galaxies exist in groups or clusters with dozens or hundreds of members, and these cluster galaxies are all in constant motion, pulled and twisted by their neighbour's gravity. One such galaxy cluster is the Hydra Cluster of galaxies which is one of the three large galaxy clusters within 200 million light-years of the Milky Way. One such galaxy is the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is the largest satellite galaxy in our own Milky Way Galaxy.NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a stellar picture of the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is located about 180,000 light-years away towards the constellation Dorado. According to NASA, the Large Magellanic Cloud spans about 15000 light-years. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is also the sight of the brightest and closest supernova obs...
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope snaps the astonishing NGC 346 star birthing region

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope snaps the astonishing NGC 346 star birthing region

[ad_1] Here is what NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has snapped- NGC 346 star birthing region. Star formation is not only a mysterious process, but also an awe-inspiring occurrence. And now, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has taken an image of the star forming region called NGC 346. The mission is to know more about the star formation process in the early universe. Notably, NGC 346 is one of the most dynamic star-forming regions in nearby galaxies and it is full of secrets. However, this James Webb Telescope image has made it less mysterious."What was star formation like in the early universe? One way to study conditions in the distant past is to find parallels close by. That's why Webb took a look at star-forming region NGC 346 within our neighboring dwarf galaxy: https://go.nas...
NASA James Webb Space Telescope uncovers star formation in cluster’s dusty ribbons

NASA James Webb Space Telescope uncovers star formation in cluster’s dusty ribbons

[ad_1] NGC 346, one of the most dynamic star-forming regions in nearby galaxies, is full of mystery. Now, it is less mysterious with new findings from the NASA James Webb Space Telescope. NGC 346, one of the most dynamic star-forming regions in nearby galaxies, is full of mystery. Now, it is less mysterious with new findings from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. NCG 346 is located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a dwarf galaxy close to our Milky Way. The SMC contains lower concentrations of elements heavier than hydrogen or helium, which astronomers call metals, compared to the Milky Way. Since dust grains in Space are composed mostly of metals, scientists expected there would be low amounts of dust, and that it would be hard to detect. New data from Webb reveals the opposit...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 13 January 2023: Young Star Cluster on show

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 13 January 2023: Young Star Cluster on show

[ad_1] NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the day is a mesmerizing snapshot of a young star cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Group of stars that are close to each other bound together by mutual gravitational attraction are known as star clusters. Stars are formed in star-forming regions called Nebulae. The makeup of a Nebula consists of gases, mainly hydrogen and helium. After formation, many stars form groups from the same Nebula, forming a Star Cluster. According to NASA, Star clusters can contain as few as ten stars or as many as millions of stars.NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a mesmerizing snapshot of a young star cluster embedded in the Small Magellanic Cloud. This star cluster has been given the designation of NGC 346. According to NASA, it is located about 210,000 light...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope just captured a glittering space neighbour

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope just captured a glittering space neighbour

[ad_1] NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is famous for capturing some of the most mysterious space images ever. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is famous for capturing some of the most mysterious space images ever. These images are informative and help scientists in making new discoveries. Hubble Telescope is working even after the deployment of the new James Webb Space Telescope. It should have been retired by now, but Hubble Telescope keeps making new space discoveries and that makes it an extremely valuable asset. NASA's old Hubble telescope recently captured a glittering neighbour; the image looks beautiful but the main attraction is about the information and mystery it has provided to scientists to solve. Hubble captured a glittering neighbour, which is a small part of the Small Mag...