Tag: skincare diet

Why Eating Salads Is The Secret To Healthy And Glowing Skin

Why Eating Salads Is The Secret To Healthy And Glowing Skin

[ad_1] When you think of healthy food, one of the first images that would come to mind is a salad. This combination of fruits/ veggies with a flavourful dressing is the go-to nutritious meal for many people. Those on weight loss diets and those with strict fitness goals can often be seen munching on salads. But did you know that salads can work wonders for your skin too? Apart from external care, our skin requires internal nourishment too. And salads can provide this nourishment in an efficient and delicious manner. So, if you truly want to enhance your skin health on multiple levels, you need to start consuming more salads.Also Read: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Water For Your Skin And HairHow Can Salads Benefit Skin Health?1. Because they contain raw ingredients:Salads are a mixture o...
5 Types Of Seeds That Are Good For Your Skin

5 Types Of Seeds That Are Good For Your Skin

[ad_1] You must know that you cannot get healthy and glowing skin overnight. You have to take care of your skin consistently over a long period in order to enhance it from the inside and outside. This includes making certain changes in your diet. Along with organic fruits, leafy veggies and fresh juices, there are also other foods that are great for your skin. One such food category is seeds. Yes, you read that right! These small ingredients are actually powerhouses of nutrients and benefits. Some of them can especially benefit your skin and hair. Find out more below.Also Read: Are Carbonated Beverages Bad For Your Skin? Here's What You Should KnowHere Are 5 Types Of Seeds That Can Boost Your Skin Health:1. Pumpkin seedsPumpkin seeds contain squalene and Vitamin E, which can help protect...
6 Foods High In Vitamin K That Are Good For Your Skin

6 Foods High In Vitamin K That Are Good For Your Skin

[ad_1] Our skin requires a number of nutrients for it to stay healthy, clear and glowing. This means that you need to ensure that you are eating the right foods in a moderate quantity. Among the vitamins, you may have already heard about the benefits of vitamin B for the skin and hair (read more here). There's another one that you should also pay attention to: vitamin K. This is a fat-soluble vitamin, with two forms: K1 and K2. Vitamin K is necessary for a healthy heart and bones. But it also contributes to skin health. Find out more below.Also Read: 5 Incredible Benefits Of Lauki (Bottle Gourd) For SkinWhy Is Vitamin K Important For Skin Health?Vitamin K can help wounds and bruises heal faster.Since it works as an antioxidant too, it can protect your skin from long-term damage.This vita...
5 Foods High In Zinc That Are Good For Your Skin Too

5 Foods High In Zinc That Are Good For Your Skin Too

[ad_1] If we want healthy and glowing skin, we have to follow a specific diet. It is important that we stay away from high-sugar and processed foods, for instance. Rather, we should consume more fresh fruits/veggies and wholesome home-cooked dishes. There are several nutrients that are especially important for skin health. One such nutrient is zinc. Unlike certain other minerals, we don't require large amounts of zinc. However, an adequate intake of zinc is necessary for your overall health. Zinc deficiency can manifest in the form of reduced immunity, loss of taste or smell, and other issues. It can lead to certain skin problems too. Find out more below.Why Is Zinc Important For Skin Health?Zinc has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that provide protection against free radica...
5 Incredible Benefits Of Lauki (Bottle Gourd) For Skin

5 Incredible Benefits Of Lauki (Bottle Gourd) For Skin

[ad_1] Do you follow a strict skincare routine? Well, apart from cosmetic products, you should also have a dietary routine for skin care. What you eat and drink can greatly affect the appearance and health of your skin. You don't need to buy fancy and expensive ingredients. Simple, everyday fruits and veggies can also help you get glowing skin. All you have to do is ensure you consume them regularly and in the right manner. One such vegetable you must add to your diet is lauki. Also known as dudhi or bottle gourd, lauki has many advantages for your skin and well-being. Check out the possible benefits here:Here Are 5 Amazing Benefits Of Lauki (Bottle Gourd) For Skin:1. Keeps your skin hydratedLauki can give your skin a youthful glow. Photo Credit: iStockLauki has a high water content (mor...
Get That Summer Glow: Muskmelon Might Just Be The Secret To Great Skin

Get That Summer Glow: Muskmelon Might Just Be The Secret To Great Skin

[ad_1] Many of us may find skincare tricky and tedious. We may find ourselves drowning in advice from multiple sources. We may be constantly bombarded by ads for creams, serums and scrubs from different brands. Amidst all this chaos, it can be difficult to find solutions that work for you. But one thing that you must not ignore is your diet. What you consume on a regular basis plays a crucial role in not just the appearance of your skin but also its long-term health. You may have the world's best external skincare routine, but if you are not eating right, your efforts will be in vain. Fresh fruits in general, and melons specifically, are among the most skin-friendly foods you should be eating. Since it's summer, you might immediately think of watermelons. But kharbuja (or muskmelon) is a...