Tag: Shortwave iOS

Shortwave email AI features expanded! Get Instant Summaries, AI Autocomplete and more now

Shortwave email AI features expanded! Get Instant Summaries, AI Autocomplete and more now

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence (AI) apps have taken over huge swathes of online work. ChatGPT, Google Bard and Midjourney are just some of the top AI tool examples. The technology is not only being used to create new apps but it is also being integrated into legacy platforms like Adobe, Meta, Alphabet and Microsoft - all in an attempt to make things easier for users to boost productivity and reduce manually intensive tasks. One such app aimed at increasing productivity and efficiency is called Shortwave, and it was launched last year by former Google employees with the aim of supercharging email productivity. Now, the AI assistant for emails is getting a bunch of new AI features. Check the full details below.Shortwave: New features1. Instant summaries - One of the features arriving on S...