Tag: SEO spam

Google’s search experience scrutinized for surge in low-quality content and SEO spam

Google’s search experience scrutinized for surge in low-quality content and SEO spam

[ad_1] In a recent investigation conducted by researchers from Leipzig University, Bauhaus-University Weimar, and the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Google's search experience is under scrutiny due to a surge in low-quality content and SEO spam, notably in product-related searches. The study sheds light on the ongoing battle between search engines and spam sites, revealing the challenges search engines face in keeping up with evolving SEO strategies.SEO Tactics vs. Search EnginesDuring the year-long study, the researchers focused on product review queries, analysing 7,392 of them. The findings unveiled a concerning trend: a rise in affiliate links coupled with a decline in content quality. Manipulative SEO techniques employed by websites to secure higher...