Tag: search for life

Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

[ad_1] In contrast to Earth's vibrant ecosystems, the moon has long been perceived as a barren and lifeless celestial body, devoid of water and signs of vitality. However, one NASA scientist believes there is more to the moon than meets the eye.According to Prabal Saxena, a planetary scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, microbial life could persist in the severe circumstances found on the moon. "Relatively protected areas on airless bodies may harbour potentially habitable niches for such life," Saxena explained, as reported by Space.com. The source of this life is astonishing. If such moon bacteria exist, they most likely originated on Earth and travelled to the moon on a lunar lander!While Saxena primarily studies the potential existence of extraterrestrial life outside ou...
Laughing gas in space could mean LIFE!

Laughing gas in space could mean LIFE!

[ad_1] Scientists are suggesting something is missing from the typical roster of chemicals that astrobiologists use to search for life. Scientists are suggesting something is missing from the typical roster of chemicals that astrobiologists use to search for life on planets around other stars laughing gas. Chemical compounds in a planet's atmosphere that could indicate life, called biosignatures, typically include gases found in abundance in Earth's atmosphere today. "There's been a lot of thought put into oxygen and methane as biosignatures. Fewer researchers have seriously considered nitrous oxide, but we think that may be a mistake," said Eddie Schwieterman, an astrobiologist in UCR's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. This conclusion, and the modeling work that led...