Tag: Science News

Fiery death! Satellite Aeolus set to crash onto Earth

Fiery death! Satellite Aeolus set to crash onto Earth

[ad_1] The European satellite Aeolus is heading towards Earth and will crash soon. The spacecraft's mission is coming to an end, and as planned, it will hit Earth's atmosphere and descend naturally to its fiery death.ESA's Meticulous Planning for Controlled Re-entryThe European Space Agency (ESA) is overseeing the Aeolus satellite's controlled re-entry, as it completes its five-year mission in space. Aeolus was launched before any rules for disposing of satellites at the end of their life were made. So, its natural return through our atmosphere was always part of the plan once it ran out of fuel. ESA has been carefully planning and analyzing a series of maneuvers to control Aeolus's descent as much as possible. They are doing this for the first time and have divided the re-entry attempt...
This 2-faced white dwarf star defies astrophysical norms

This 2-faced white dwarf star defies astrophysical norms

[ad_1] Behold Janus, a celestial enigma that defies conventional norms! Unlike the figurative phrase denoting two-facedness, this white dwarf star embodies the very essence of duality, quite literally. Drawing inspiration from the ancient Roman god, Janus, with one face gazing forward and the other backward, symbolizing transitions, this peculiar stellar remnant has earned its fitting moniker. Scientists have been captivated by the unique composition of Janus, as it bears an extraordinary feature - hydrogen dominates one side, while helium graces the other.The magnetic field's role in an unconventional StarJanus, located about 1,300 light years from Earth in the direction of the Cygnus constellation, is fairly massive for a white dwarf. Its mass is 20% larger than that of our sun, compr...
Stargazing delight! Mars, Venus, and Mercury to align with the crescent Moon tonight

Stargazing delight! Mars, Venus, and Mercury to align with the crescent Moon tonight

[ad_1] Get ready for an extraordinary celestial treat tonight as the night sky unveils a mesmerising gathering of celestial bodies shortly after sunset. Despite hazy skies caused by Canadian wildfires in some parts of North America, the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all set to grace the heavens with their dazzling performance.Gathering of PlanetsRight after sunset, cast your gaze to the western sky where you'll find a faint sliver of a two-day-old crescent moon, captivatingly low on the horizon. Accompanying this celestial beauty will be three of our solar system's inner planets, adorning the Leo constellation, also known as the Lion, according to Space.com. For those in New York City, the captivating quartet will make their appearance just as the sun bids adieu to the day, and twi...
Solar flares alert: Russian scientists warn of communication chaos on Earth today!

Solar flares alert: Russian scientists warn of communication chaos on Earth today!

[ad_1] Russian scientists have issued a warning that powerful solar flares observed on July 16, 2023, may cause disruptions to communications on Earth today. According to a report by news agency Reuters, the Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics in Moscow has highlighted the potential for X-class solar flares, including proton flares, which could interfere with short-wave communications.Solar flares occur when the magnetic field lines near sunspots, cooler regions on the Sun's surface, overlap and release a sudden burst of energy. Among these flares, X-class flares are the most potent. Flares are categorized based on their strength, with B, C, M, and X representing increasing levels of intensity. An X-class flare is approximately 10 times stronger than an M-class flare and 100 times s...
Dark Stars found by James Webb Space Telescope? Clues to dark matter?

Dark Stars found by James Webb Space Telescope? Clues to dark matter?

[ad_1] The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected three luminous objects that could potentially be "dark stars." These hypothetical objects are believed to be powered by the annihilation of dark matter particles and could surpass the size and brightness of our sun. First Observations of Dark StarsAccording to an official release, Katherine Freese, an astrophysicist at the University of Texas at Austin, expressed her excitement about the discovery, stating, "Discovering a new type of star is fascinating on its own, but if we find that dark matter is fueling these stars, it would be groundbreaking", according to an Interesting Engineering report. Dark matter, an elusive substance that makes up around 25 percent of the universe, is challenging to observe due to its lack of interac...
Webb Space Telescope reveals moment of stellar birth, dramatic close-up of 50 baby stars

Webb Space Telescope reveals moment of stellar birth, dramatic close-up of 50 baby stars

[ad_1] The Webb Space Telescope is marking one year of cosmic photographs with one of its best yet: the dramatic close-up of dozens of stars at the moment of birth.NASA unveiled the latest snapshot on Wednesday, revealing 50 baby stars in a cloud complex 390 light-years away. A light-year is nearly 6 trillion miles (9.7 trillion kilometers). The region is relatively small and quiet yet full of illuminated gases, jets of hydrogen and even dense cocoons of dust with the delicate beginnings of even more stars. All of the young stars appear to be no bigger than our sun. Scientists said the breathtaking shot provides the best clarity yet of this brief phase of a star's life.“It's like a glimpse of what our own system would have looked like billions of years ago when it was forming,” NASA pro...
Solar Storm may illuminate the skies with spectacular auroras on Friday in this country

Solar Storm may illuminate the skies with spectacular auroras on Friday in this country

[ad_1] Prepare for a celestial spectacle this weekend! Canadians are being urged to direct their gaze towards the heavens as a solar storm is expected to hit the Earth on Friday and spark beatiful auroras in the night sky. Yes, there will be breathtaking displays of the Northern Lights.This follows the extremely explosive events on the Sun on Monday night, when a colossal active region, designated as AR 3559, discharged an enormous cloud of charged solar particles into space, known as a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). This solar storm took just three days to traverse the 150 million-kilometre journey from the Sun to the Earth and it is homing in on our planet. Experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center says that the CME will re...
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe to help understand geomagnetic storms, prevent internet apocalypse

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe to help understand geomagnetic storms, prevent internet apocalypse

[ad_1] NASA's Parker Solar Probe (PSP) has gathered crucial data that could help prevent a potential internet apocalypse caused by solar storms. A recent study reveals that understanding the origin of solar wind is essential in predicting these storms, which can have devastating effects on satellites, the electrical grid, and communication networks on Earth. The research team suggests that fast solar winds are produced through a process called magnetic reconnection, where magnetic fields on the sun create solar storms that strike the Earth's magnetosphere, as per Hothardware reports. When this happens, it sparks geomagnetic storms on Earth and that can cripple satellites, Internet, power grids, radio communications and more on Earth.Geomagnetic storms also generate the fascinating auror...
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope unveils breathtaking view of Saturn

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope unveils breathtaking view of Saturn

[ad_1]  The image released by NASA showcases intricate details within Saturn's mesmerising ring system, even offering glimpses of some of its moons, such as Dione, Enceladus, and Tethys. The research team plans to conduct deeper exposures, hoping to explore the planet's fainter rings, including the elusive G ring and the diffuse E ring, which remain hidden in this particular image. Saturn's rings, composed of a diverse array of rocky and icy fragments ranging in size from minuscule grains of sand to colossal mountains, have long been a source of fascination for scientists and stargazers alike. This new image from Webb provides a unique perspective on their composition and structure, shedding new light on their mysterious nature. Apart from the rings, Saturn's atmosphere also reveals ast...