5 things about AI you may have missed today: Pope Francis issues AI warning, North Korea developing AI too, and more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Pope Francis issues AI warning, North Korea developing AI too, and more

[ad_1] AI Roundup: Several notable developments took place in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) today, January 24. Pope Francis warned against the dangers of AI, acknowledging that he too became the victim of a deepfake photo last year. He called for regulation of AI that will enable its use towards the greater good. Meanwhile, a new study claims that North Korea is developing AI and machine learning (ML) to achieve a wide range of tasks.All this, and more in today's AI roundup. 1. Pope Francis warns against AI dangersPope Francis on Wednesday acknowledged that he was the victim of a deepfake photo while highlighting the dangers of AI. As per a Reuters report, he warned against the "perverse” dangers of AI, calling for its regulation. “We need but think of the long-standing prob...