Tag: sam altman openai firing

What does Sam Altman’s firing — and quick reinstatement — mean for the future of AI?

What does Sam Altman’s firing — and quick reinstatement — mean for the future of AI?

[ad_1] It's been quite a week for ChatGPT-maker OpenAI — and co-founder Sam Altman.Altman, who helped start OpenAI as a nonprofit research lab back in 2015, was removed as CEO Friday in a sudden and mostly unexplained exit that stunned the industry. And while his chief executive title was swiftly reinstated just days later, a lot of questions are still up in the air. If you're just catching up on the OpenAI saga and what's at stake for the artificial intelligence space as a whole, you've come to the right place. Here's a rundown of what you need to know. WHO IS SAM ALTMAN AND HOW DID HE RISE TO FAME?Altman is co-founder of OpenAI, the San Francisco-based company behind ChatGPT (yes, the chatbot that's seemingly everywhere today — from schools to health care ).The explosion of ChatGPT si...