Tag: salad

Chaitra Navratri 2024: Try This Healthy Sabudana Salad Recipe For Your Fasting Days

Chaitra Navratri 2024: Try This Healthy Sabudana Salad Recipe For Your Fasting Days

[ad_1] It's Navratri season and most of us are keeping ourselves full with delicious sabudana recipes. Also known as Tapioca Pearls or Sago, sabudana is widely consumed during Mahashivratri, Navratri and Ekadashi. Sabudana is easy to digest and loaded with carbohydrates, making it the perfect ingredient to consume during fasting days. During Chaitra Navratri, many people fast for nine days and eat dishes made of sabudana like sabudana kheer, khichdi, or vada. While all these recipes are traditional and we usually add additional sugar and carbs to make them tastier, what if we tell you an easy recipe that doesn't compromise Sabudana's taste and is weight loss-friendly too?Also Read: Watch: How To Make A Vrat-Friendly Sabudana Idli For A Quick Snack FixIf you are someone who is looking for...
This Easy Mango Corn Salad Recipe Will Take Your Taste Buds On A Roller Coaster Ride

This Easy Mango Corn Salad Recipe Will Take Your Taste Buds On A Roller Coaster Ride

[ad_1] When we think of salads, the first thing that comes to our mind is lots of bland veggies put in a big bowl, right? Well, salads don't have to be boring. Summer is here and it's time to welcome the king of fruits, Mango! Delightfully sweet and tangy, mangoes are super versatile and can be enjoyed in whatever way you want. You can squeeze the juice out of them, make sorbet, or just eat it just like that. Undoubtedly, the best part of summer is mangoes and the delicious recipes that it allows us to experiment with. If you are someone who loves mangoes and has already started purchasing them, then we have an exciting and easy recipe for you.Instagram user and content creator Shivangi Pithisaria (@shivangipithisaria) shared an easy recipe for Mango Corn Salad, which is made from simple...
Bhagyashree Reveals Her “Favourite” Salad Option: See Here

Bhagyashree Reveals Her “Favourite” Salad Option: See Here

[ad_1] Bhagyashree is known for sharing her foodie escapades with her fans. From healthy recipes to glimpses of her date night with her husband, she invites followers into her world of delicious delights. Recently, the star treated her Instagram followers to a video of her latest culinary adventure. It's a delicious mango salad, featuring sliced onions, some cherry tomatoes, crushed papads and a bit of paneer chunks, garnished with fresh coriander leaves. With these ingredients, Bhagyashree's simple yet delicious dish shows her talent for preparing flavourful meals. She added the song "Gimme More" by Britney Spears to her Instagram Stories. Her hashtag read, “Favourite.”Also Read: After Having "Good Simple Food At Home", Bhagyashree Enjoys Chaat In JaipurSee here:Bhagyashree's love for s...
5 Carrot-Based Salads To Help You Lose Those Extra Kilos

5 Carrot-Based Salads To Help You Lose Those Extra Kilos

[ad_1] One of the most go-to meals when it comes to weight loss is salads. They are high in fibre and water content which promotes fullness without those extra calories. The best part is that you can incorporate almost every vegetable in a salad, including humble carrots, which are available in the market in abundance. Delightfully crunchy and vibrant in colour, carrots are a powerhouse of nutrition and a winter staple in Indian households. This veggie is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibres, making it an excellent meal ingredient when you want to lose those extra kilos. They add a vibrant colour and pleasing crunch to your meals, leaving you asking for more. Plus, their natural sweetness balances the savoury and tangy flavours of the meals. One of the best ways to get the most out...
Not Saag, Bid Farewell To Winter With Refreshing Sarson Salad (Recipe Inside)

Not Saag, Bid Farewell To Winter With Refreshing Sarson Salad (Recipe Inside)

[ad_1] As the winter is receding and giving way to warmer days, it's time to bid adieu to hot and heavy sarson ka saag. But you can still enjoy the taste and benefits of sarson in a refreshing and delicious way. How? A digital creator recently sparked culinary intrigue by suggesting an unconventional twist: mustard leaves in a salad! Yes, you can still savour the taste and benefits of mustard in this unique sarson ka salad. It is light, nutritious and seemingly tasty. Looking at the finished dish made us drool over it and we can't wait to try this salad recipe soon.Also Read: What To Do With Leftover Sarson Ka Saag? Make These Yummy RecipesWhat Are Mustard Leaves Good For? Health Benefits of Sarson:Mustard leaves, a staple in Indian cuisine, offer a plethora of health benefits. They are ...
15 Best Broccoli Recipes | Easy Broccoli Recipes

15 Best Broccoli Recipes | Easy Broccoli Recipes

[ad_1] Broccoli Recipes- Most often considered to be an exotic vegetable, broccoli draws resemblance to cauliflower, a regular vegetable in almost all Indian households. Broccoli is actually part of the cabbage family and its name comes from the Italian word "broccolo", the flowering top of the cabbage plant. It is said that broccoli was first cultivated about 2000 years ago in Europe and was brought to other countries by Italians. Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables and rather exotic with dark green, crisp and sturdy florets. It is one of those unique vegetables that have a colourful and well documented history. And President Barack Obama would agree with our analysis.A little while ago, at a state dinner in the White House he rated broccoli as his favourite vegetable! Bro...
15 Best Vegetarian Salad Recipes | Easy Vegetarian Salad Recipes

15 Best Vegetarian Salad Recipes | Easy Vegetarian Salad Recipes

[ad_1] Best Vegetarian Salad Recipes: Once upon a time, vegetarian salads were described as just lettuce and tomatoes, with some commenting 'who orders that?' But thanks to a few chefs and other food enthusiasts, vegetarian salads started to probe both our appetite and imagination, with veggies going from being a supporting act to the main event. Ricotta, mushrooms, feta, sun-dried tomatoes, bell peppers, parsley, tarragon and garlic - these ingredients can be used to make a number of stellar dishes. You can also dress them up real nice. Yogurt-based dressings, balsamic vinegar, cold-pressed oils, cherry vinegar, herbs and warm spices: you can literally pick anything under the sun.Before we get to some of the smashing  vegetarian salad recipes we were talking about, we've got a few excit...
Taco Salad Recipe: The New Way To Enjoy Mexican Flavours

Taco Salad Recipe: The New Way To Enjoy Mexican Flavours

[ad_1] Taco salad is like a fiesta on a plate! It's a delicious combination of all your favourite taco ingredients, but instead of being wrapped in a tortilla, they're piled high in a bowl. This mouthwatering dish is not only a crowd-pleaser but also incredibly easy to make. Whether you're feeding a family or enjoying a solo meal, the taco salad is sure to satisfy your taste buds and brighten your day. If you love tacos, it's time to explore its vibrant flavours in the form of a salad - a riot of colours and textures.Also Read: In For Some Mexican Food? Make Tacos At Home With These 5 Amazing Recipes  Is Taco Salad Okay to Eat? Nutrition in Taco Salad Taco salad, when prepared mindfully, can indeed be a nutritious and satisfying meal. A standard taco salad typically includes a base of fr...
Make Your Salad Healthier. 5 Ways To Add More Vitamins To It

Make Your Salad Healthier. 5 Ways To Add More Vitamins To It

[ad_1] For most of us, salad is a part of our staple diet. It is healthy, fuss-free and if made carefully, can be super delicious as well. In fact, today we get a wide range of dressing options, making even a healthy salad an exotic dish to savour. Regrettably, in the process of making salad delicious, we often ignore the nutrient part of it. But not anymore, because we got you some amazing tips to make salad vitamin-rich. Fret not, we won't ask you to go beyond your limits! Instead, pick your ingredients judiciously and enjoy the benefits to the fullest. So, without further ado, let's make our bowl of vitamin-rich salad.Why Is It Important To Add Vitamins To Your Meals:Vitamins are one of the most important nutrients our body needs to grow, develop, and stay nourished. There are various...
Looking For A Fresh Summer Salad? Try This Irresistible Mango Litchi Delight

Looking For A Fresh Summer Salad? Try This Irresistible Mango Litchi Delight

[ad_1] Let's admit it, we all have a love-hate relationship with salads. On some days, we may struggle to eat them as we find them boring, and on other days, they become our go-to companions. And the time we all don't usually mind eating salads is during the summer. They are light, extremely filling, and help provide relief from the sweltering summer heat. However, whenever we think about making a salad, we usually slice a few cucumbers or carrots and serve it as is. While there's no harm in having them this way, it can become quite boring, right? Now, you may think making a salad like the one you get at a restaurant is quite difficult, but trust us, it's as simple as it gets. Today, we bring you a delicious salad recipe that is made with two summer favourites, mango and litchi. Once you...