Tag: Sagittarius C Features

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captures glimpse of star-forming region Sagittarius C

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captures glimpse of star-forming region Sagittarius C

[ad_1] NASA's James Webb Space Telescope now has reached 25000 light-years away from Earth at the star-forming region called Sagittarius C. The telescope has yet again given researchers a surprising view of deep space with extraordinary details and never-seen features. The region consists of a massive amount of protostar which is still in the formation stage and gaining mass at the same time. Check out what researchers are saying about the new discovery and image captured by the powerful telescope.James Webb Space Telescope's findingAccording to a NASA report, the Webb's telescope captured the image of the dense centre of our galaxy at the star-forming region called Sagittarius C(Sgr C) which is about 300 light-years from the Milky Way's central supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A. T...