Tag: russian hackers

After shocking accusations fly, Apple fixes iPhones bug used in Russian hacks

After shocking accusations fly, Apple fixes iPhones bug used in Russian hacks

[ad_1] Apple has announced on Wednesday that it has resolved two security deficiencies found in iPhones and iPads, which were exploited to hack devices in Russia. These flaws were part of a significant campaign that Russian intelligence attributed to the United States, Washington Post reported.The credit for discovering these flaws goes to researchers from Kaspersky Lab, a Russian security software maker. Kaspersky had revealed three weeks ago that its senior employees were among the targeted individuals. Simultaneously, Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) accused the National Security Agency (NSA) of being responsible, but no evidence or explanation was provided to support this claim. The NSA has not responded to this accusation. According to Kaspersky, the attack method involved s...
US Airport Websites Knocked Offline by Pro-Russia Hackers

US Airport Websites Knocked Offline by Pro-Russia Hackers

[ad_1] A pro-Russian group is claiming credit for disruptions that temporarily knocked the websites of some US airports offline. A pro-Russian group is claiming credit for a series of disruptions that temporarily knocked the websites of some US airports offline. The group, called Killnet, has engaged in a series of cyberattacks in recent months against Western targets, including incidents that temporarily rendered some state government websites offline last week, according to cybersecurity experts. The attack caused intermittent delays with accessing LaGuardia Airport's website, for 15 minutes starting about 3 a.m., according to a Port Authority spokesperson. There was no operational impact. Los Angeles International Airport issued a statement saying its website was partially d...