Tag: robots

Satellite-Saving Robots Can Turn Killer, Too

Satellite-Saving Robots Can Turn Killer, Too

[ad_1] Orbiting machines used to repair other spacecraft can just as easily be used to destroy them and will require new international rules to keep the peace. The most sophisticated satellites can cost more than $1 billion to build and launch. Yet all that money and technology hasn't been able to buy something every car owner takes for granted: on-demand repairs and tune-ups. Now, thanks to years of development by governments and private companies, outer space satellite servicing is becoming a reality — and a business.Just this month, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, announced that a robotic repair arm it developed will be ready for launch in 2025. By then, it will be just the latest advance in satellite tune-ups, ready to help clear a path through the grow...
Governing a world of 250 million robots

Governing a world of 250 million robots

[ad_1] Robots will shape the cities of the future — from educating children, to cleaning streets, to protecting borders from military threats and much more. The lines of ethical principles are often blurred when it comes to embracing ubiquitous machines. Robots will shape the cities of the future — from educating children, to cleaning streets, to protecting borders from military threats and much more. While the ubiquity of robots isn't arriving tomorrow, it's closer than many realise — by 2030, humanoid robots (such as personal assistant bots) are slated to exceed 244 million worldwide, soaring from 220 million in 2020. Examples of some cities with existing robotic infrastructures are Masdar City's Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) and The Line, a future city in Neom, Saudi Arabia, ...
Robots in your blood vessels? THIS is what is coming to a medic near you

Robots in your blood vessels? THIS is what is coming to a medic near you

[ad_1] Scientists have experimented with soft robots which may be useful to explore human vessels in the future. Robots and machines have become integral to almost every human endeavour now and now, they are set to enter the human body, blood vessels in particular. Now, after taking inspiration from plants and fungi, scientists have come up with a method which can make soft robots travel the tricky pathways in the body. "We were really inspired by how plants and fungi grow. We took the idea that plants and fungi add material at the end of their bodies, either at their root tips or at their new shoots, and we translated that to an engineering system," Matthew Hausladen, one of the author of the paper published in the Proceedin...
The challenges automakers, and now Tesla, face with humanoid robots

The challenges automakers, and now Tesla, face with humanoid robots

[ad_1] Tesla's CEO Elon Musk is set to unveil its prototype humanoid robots at an event on Sept. 30, hoping to expand beyond self-driving cars Tesla's CEO Elon Musk is set to unveil its prototype humanoid robots at an event on Sept. 30, hoping to expand beyond self-driving cars that have not yet become reality despite his repeated promises.While robots are widely used for specialist tasks at factories, other companies have struggled to create commercially viable human-like robots, despite decades-long development efforts. "This market is very, very challenging market because you buy this big expensive robot, but it actually cannot do much," Heni Ben Amor, a robotics professor at Arizona State University, said. TESLATesla's hu...