Tag: Robotics Lab

5 Things about AI you may have missed today: 58% Indians believe in AI’s relevance, Jamie Dimon on ‘Unbelievable’ AI

5 Things about AI you may have missed today: 58% Indians believe in AI’s relevance, Jamie Dimon on ‘Unbelievable’ AI

[ad_1] AI roundup: The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing and in some places, it has found greater acceptability than in others. Now, a study highlights the fact that India finds the technology to be quite relevant and influential. In other news, a 16-year-old Indian-American boy Adrit Rao has developed several apps and is now collaborating with Stanford University to use AI to revamp the healthcare sector. Know about more such AI news from today.Bosch study showcases India's optimism about AIThe use of AI is significantly increasing all over the world. However, India is one such country which is said to show the most optimism for such technology. In a recent study, it was reported that 58 percent of Indians believe AI would be the most relevant technology in the future. Whi...