Tag: rise of AI

Tim Cook says AI potential is ‘very interesting’; can ChatGPT-like AI mode come to iPhone 15?

Tim Cook says AI potential is ‘very interesting’; can ChatGPT-like AI mode come to iPhone 15?

[ad_1] Ever since the public release of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, or AI has been all the rage. It has upended the stock markets and sent top companies in the world scrambling for answers. From tech enthusiasts to major corporate leaders have all expressed their opinions on it, be it positive or negative. Now, many companies have also begun building their own version of a generative AI chatbot or have started adopting it to their platforms. Microsoft Bing, Google Bard and Snapchat's My AI are some of the biggest adoption of the technology we have seen so far. But after the comments of Tim Cook over the potential of AI, many are now wondering whether Apple can be next to incorporate this technology into its upcoming iPhone 15.Speaking on Apple's quarterly earnings call, CEO Tim Co...
Legal Data Firm Makes Push to Introduce AI to Lawyers’ Work

Legal Data Firm Makes Push to Introduce AI to Lawyers’ Work

[ad_1] A leading legal research database company is making an early push to introduce generative artificial intelligence to tasks typically performed by paralegals or lawyers.LexisNexis on Thursday announced the release of Lexis AI, a platform that will use artificial intelligence to tap into the company's database of documents and records to draft documents and research case law. Some large US law firms, including Baker McKenzie, Reed Smith LLP and Foley & Lardner LLP are working with the company to provide early support for the product, the company said. The announcement comes as AI continues to disrupt industries from education to entertainment and amid growing calls to keep artificial intelligence in check. Geoffrey Hinton — the so-called godfather of AI — recently resigned from...
Godfather of AI says he REGRETS his life’s work, quits Google to warn of AI danger

Godfather of AI says he REGRETS his life’s work, quits Google to warn of AI danger

[ad_1] When it comes to the field of artificial intelligence, three pioneers stand above the rest. Often collectively known as the Godfathers of AI, they are Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun, and Geoffrey Hinton. Hinton, in particular, is viewed as a leading figure in the field of deep learning and has published an important paper on the backpropagation algorithm for training multi-layer neural networks. However, in a shocking move, he recently quit his job at Google so he could speak more freely about the risks of AI. In a recent interview, he even said that a part of him regretted all the work he did in the field of artificial intelligence now.In a conversation with The New York Times, Hinton said, highlighting his regret, “I console myself with the normal excuse: If I hadn't done it, somebo...
AI poses Asteroid-like threat? MIT prof likens artificial intelligence to meteorite collision with Earth

AI poses Asteroid-like threat? MIT prof likens artificial intelligence to meteorite collision with Earth

[ad_1] The rise of artificial intelligence has been a subject of debate ever since OpenAI introduced its generative AI bot ChatGPT in November 2022. Everyone, from enthusiasts, experts to regulators have all been trying to understand what this unprecedented advancement of AI technology could mean for humanity. The concern is that if AI is allowed to progress without any checks and balances, a plethora of issues such as unemployment, data privacy, biases in decision-making, and more can appear. Recently, an MIT professor has tried to explain this phenomenon by comparing the rise of AI with an asteroid that is headed for the Earth.The MIT professor in question is Max Tegmark, a physicist, cosmologist, and machine learning researcher. Due to his diverse field of knowledge, he has made an i...