Tag: ring nebula

Webb Space Telescope captures mind-blowing images of Ring Nebula

Webb Space Telescope captures mind-blowing images of Ring Nebula

[ad_1] James Webb Space Telescope has captured breathtaking images of mysterious celestial objects. It is interesting and scary to see objects floating in space. Recently, NASA's Webb captured another image of the final stages of a dying star, Ring Nebula. These nebulas are large clouds of dust in space. Scientists denote the object as the best example of a planetary nebula. Check out more about the newfound space object.About Ring NebulaAccording to an ESA report. Nebula captured by the Webb telescope is roughly 2,500 light-years away from Earth and is known as M57 (Messier 57). The images showcase new insights from both infrared observations. With NIRCam (Near-InfraRed Camera), the fine details of the filament pattern in the inner ring are visible, whereas the MIRI (Mid-InfraRed Instr...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 2 April 2023: Hubble Telescope captures Ring Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 2 April 2023: Hubble Telescope captures Ring Nebula

[ad_1] Stargazers must have noticed an unusual ring-shaped pattern in the sky for so many years and it is called a nebula, which is a cluster of gas and dust in space. Nebulas are often the birthplaces of new stars and planetary systems, as the gravitational attraction between the particles within the nebula causes them to collapse and form into denser regions. Today, NASA has shared a breathtaking image of the famous Ring Nebula (M57) captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. While sharing the photo, NASA explained about the Ring Nebula, "the recent mapping of the expanding nebula's 3-D structure, based in part on this clear Hubble image, indicates that the nebula is a relatively dense, donut-like ring wrapped around the middle of an (American) football-shaped cloud of glowing gas." The ...