Tag: report

Shocking! NASA finds water near the South Pole of the Moon! Know what SOFIA has revealed

Shocking! NASA finds water near the South Pole of the Moon! Know what SOFIA has revealed

[ad_1] The first detailed, wide-area map of water distribution on the Moon is out. Yes, a new study using the now-retired Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) has pieced together the map. With clear, identifiable lunar features marked out by the water data, the study provides hints about how water may be moving across the Moon's surface, particularly near its South Pole — an important area for space exploration."The new map covers about one-quarter of the Earth-facing side of the lunar surface below 60 degrees latitude and extends to the Moon's South Pole. Given the large region covered, the researchers could easily identify how water relates to surface features on the Moon, staying away from sunlight and favoring cold areas," NASA said in a report. “When looking at...
World-Wide, People Waste 1 Billion Tonnes Of Food Each Year: Report

World-Wide, People Waste 1 Billion Tonnes Of Food Each Year: Report

[ad_1] "Don't waste your food". This is one common statement we have grown up hearing (from our elders). Ever wondered why? It is because wasting food is ethically a bad practice and also wastes natural resources. But you should know that it also bad for environment and global climate. It was shocking to find out that the world wastes around one billion tonnes of food every single year! This means, around one-third of the food, which is produced globally, gets wasted. The finding was a part of 'Food Waste Index Report 2021' released by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). "The evidence is becoming too hard to ignore. Food systems reform is critical to tackling the planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss and pollution and waste," the report reads.The repor...