Tag: reddit api charges

Reddit’s new API pricing forces closure of popular third-party app Apollo and others

Reddit’s new API pricing forces closure of popular third-party app Apollo and others

[ad_1] Apollo, a widely used third-party app for Reddit, has announced that it will be shutting down on June 30, 2023, as a direct consequence of Reddit's recently announced changes in its API pricing, according to TechCrunch. The new pricing plans would require Apollo to pay a staggering $20 million annually to continue operating, an impossible cost for an independent developer. Christian Selig, the creator of Apollo, was one of the first to raise concerns about the impact of Reddit's new API pricing on third-party apps. Even if Apollo were to switch to a subscription-based model, it would still be unable to sustain itself under the new guidelines. The outcry from the app's user community has prompted a site-wide protest, with several major Reddit communities planning to go dark to exp...