Tag: red wine

‘The Longest-Lived Family In The World’ Eats THIS Meal For Lunch Every Day

‘The Longest-Lived Family In The World’ Eats THIS Meal For Lunch Every Day

[ad_1] The Melis family, from Sardinia, Italy, took the Guinness World Record title for the highest combined age for nine living siblings in 2012. In a recent video, author and Blue Zones expert Dan Buettner revealed the meal this family eats every day for lunch. For the unversed, Blue Zones refer to geographic areas where people have lower rates of chronic diseases and a longer life expectancy. There are five Blue Zones in the world, located in Italy, Greece, Japan, Costa Rica, and the US.Talking about the remarkable long lives of the Melis family, Buettner shared, "Nine siblings, collective age: 861 years. The oldest sibling is 109. Every day of their life, they had the same lunch."Here Are 3 Longevity Foods On The Lunch Menu Of The Longest-Living Family:1. Three-Bean Minestrone (Garba...
Why Does Red Wine Cause Headaches? Tips For Enjoying Wine Without Fear

Why Does Red Wine Cause Headaches? Tips For Enjoying Wine Without Fear

[ad_1] Ever wondered why that glass of red wine sometimes brings more than just a buzz? Many of you may have experienced a headache after a heavy night of red wine. A recent investigation conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis, delves into the perplexing phenomenon of wine-induced headaches, experienced even by those who remain headache-free with other alcoholic beverages. The study, published in Scientific Reports, suggests that a naturally occurring flavonol in red wines, known as quercetin, may disrupt alcohol metabolism, paving the way for throbbing headaches.Also Read: Hangover Got You Down? Try These 6 Home Remedies for Quick ReliefWhat is Quercetin?Quercetin, a flavonol ubiquitous in various fruits and vegetables, including grapes, is celebrated for its an...
5 Best Non-Alcoholic Substitutes To Use Instead Of Wine For Cooking

5 Best Non-Alcoholic Substitutes To Use Instead Of Wine For Cooking

[ad_1] Using wine for cooking is quite a common practice. You must've come across several recipes that require you to use either white wine or red wine. But have you ever wondered why wine is added to food? Well, it's because it helps enhance its flavour and preserve the moisture levels. It is particularly used for making some traditional Italian delicacies and seafood as well. However, as much as it adds to the overall flavour of the food, not everyone may prefer alcohol in their food. Whether it's due to the fact that they avoid alcohol in general or perhaps they don't like its bitter taste, the truth is that many people skip cooking certain dishes simply because it involves alcohol. However, you'll be happy to know that there are several non-alcoholic substitutes that you can use in p...
6 Savoury Dishes You Can Pair With Red And White Wine

6 Savoury Dishes You Can Pair With Red And White Wine

[ad_1] Many people enjoy treating themselves to a glass of wine. While some prefer a glass of wine in the comfort of their own home, some find it particularly pleasurable while dining out in a chic café. Wine drinkers are aware that wines come in a variety of flavours, from fruity, earthy, and smooth to powerful and light, whether they choose red or white wine. But even they can find it hard when it comes to plan what to pair with wine? Just how fried chicken goes well with beer, even wine goes well with certain foods. Here are some simple dishes you can pair with both red and white wine for a relaxing wine and dine.Also Read: Love Whiskey? 6 Classic Whiskey Cocktails You Can Whip Up This WeekendHere Are 6 Dishes You Can Pair With Red And White Wine:1. Fish and ChipsSmooth dry white wine...