Tag: red ant chutney

Odisha’s Unique Red Ant Chutney Granted Geographical Indication (GI) Tag

Odisha’s Unique Red Ant Chutney Granted Geographical Indication (GI) Tag

[ad_1] In the Mayurbhanj district of Odisha, there's a unique dish that's making waves - it's called "Kai Chutney," and guess what? It's made with red weaver ants! Now, these ants have a sting that leaves a painful bump behind. But the locals turn these little creatures into a spicy chutney, and it's so good that it just got a special recognition. On January 2, 2024, the Kai Chutney officially got the Geographical Indication (GI) tag. But why is this chutney getting so much attention? It turns out, it's not just tasty; it's also loaded with good stuff.The red ant chutney is an exceptional creation, incorporating red weaver ants, scientifically referred to as Oecophylla smaragdina. These ants, known for their potent sting-causing skin blisters, thrive in the verdant forests of Mayurbhanj,...