Tag: puffy face

Puffy Face, No More! 7 Smart Tricks To Avoid Bloating On Face

Puffy Face, No More! 7 Smart Tricks To Avoid Bloating On Face

[ad_1] Picture this - you have a big day ahead, and you wake up with a puffy face. Such a bummer, isn't it? The worst part is that no amount of makeup helps you fix the situation and make you look bright and glowing. So, what do you do then? A quick search on the internet will tell you to dip your face in ice water. We agree this celebrity-endorsed hack works wonders, but it is just a temporary solution. You can't surely think of doing this during winter. Right? This is why we found you some sustainable diet and lifestyle habits that may help you go a long way. These healthy tips are shared by nutritionist Simrun Chopra on her official Instagram handle.Also Read: Foods For Healthy Skin: Discover The 5 Best And Worst Foods For Your SkinWhat Does A Puffy Face Indicate? Reasons Why Your Fac...