Tag: protein snacks

Hungry After the Gym? These 7 Protein-Rich Snacks Are Your Perfect Workout Companions

Hungry After the Gym? These 7 Protein-Rich Snacks Are Your Perfect Workout Companions

[ad_1] Weight loss and fitness go hand in hand, and striking a balance between your diet and workout routine is crucial to achieving your dream body. After a challenging workout, it's essential to nourish your body with something filling and nutritious. However, you don't want to undo all your efforts at the gym by indulging in unhealthy, greasy, and sugary treats. When your tired muscles are craving fuel to recover, protein is the best thing to have. That's why protein shakes and other protein drinks are a popular post-workout option. But if you want to recover naturally without consuming processed commercial protein powders, a good protein-rich snack can be good enough.Also Read: 10 Pre and Post-Workout Snack RecipesDo you really need protein after a workout?According to nutritionist D...
High-Protein Diet: 7 Protein-Rich Snack Recipes For Vegetarians

High-Protein Diet: 7 Protein-Rich Snack Recipes For Vegetarians

[ad_1] One of the most essential building blocks of our body, protein is a key ingredient in a healthy, balanced diet. Protein helps build lean muscle, repair damaged cells and fuels energy by carrying oxygen throughout the body. This macronutrient is also useful in regulating the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin. Those who are trying to lose weight often try and include more protein in their diet to stay full for longer and keep hunger pangs at bay. In a nutshell, we all could use a bit more protein in our diet. Apart from our usual meals, snacks are a great way to stock up on some additional protein and eat our way to good health.Vegetarians often struggle to think of protein sources in their diet, especially non-meat ones. We have soybean, tofu, paneer, nuts, seeds and so many...