Tag: protein-rich foods for weight loss

Protein vs Carbs: Study Claims New Breakfast Champion For Weight Loss And Concentration

Protein vs Carbs: Study Claims New Breakfast Champion For Weight Loss And Concentration

[ad_1] Breakfast, often hailed as the most crucial meal of the day, has long been associated with healthy carbohydrates providing sustained energy and satiety. However, a recent Danish study has upended this notion, suggesting that a protein-rich breakfast might be the key to enhanced satiety and concentration. Published in the Journal of Dairy Science, the study monitored 30 obese women aged 18 to 30 over three days. Participants consumed either a protein-rich breakfast, a carbohydrate-rich breakfast, or skipped breakfast entirely. The results were illuminating.Also Read: 6 Excellent Sources of Vegetarian Protein for Your Daily DietA breakfast comprising skyr (a sour milk product) and oats significantly increased satiety (which would help with weight loss) and concentration levels compa...