Tag: potato hacks

Women Wash Potatoes In Dishwasher, Internet Calls It “Dumbest Idea”

Women Wash Potatoes In Dishwasher, Internet Calls It “Dumbest Idea”

[ad_1] It is common for even the best home cooks to seek various shortcuts to simplify the cooking process. Recently, two women introduced the internet to an off-beat method to wash potatoes. In an Instagram video, they demonstrate how large quantities of potatoes can be efficiently washed in the dishwasher. Despite the creators' confidence in the effectiveness of their hack, the online community's response was not too favourable towards this unconventional approach to potato washing.In the video, the two women position potatoes out of "3 bags" on both the top and bottom racks of the dishwasher. They discuss the time-saving aspect, emphasising that handwashing would have been a much more time-consuming task. When the person behind the camera asks about the addition of detergent, one of t...
6 Unique Ways To Use Potatoes At Home (Apart From Eating Them)

6 Unique Ways To Use Potatoes At Home (Apart From Eating Them)

[ad_1] Do you want more reasons to love potatoes? This vegetable is already our favourite one to eat. From crispy snacks to wholesome soups, potatoes can be used to make a wide variety of delicious treats. But that's not all they're good for. The particular composition of potatoes, scientifically speaking, makes them a great solution for several household problems. All the more reason to always keep them stocked at home! From stain removal to puffy eyes, potatoes can actually help you in numerous instances. Check out some of them below.Also Read: Kitchen Hacks: 6 Tips To Keep Vegetables Fresh And Make Them Last LongerHere Are 6 Non-Food Uses Of Potatoes That May Surprise You:1. To shine your cutleryUse the water leftover after boiling potatoes to make tarnished silverware shine again. Ph...
5 Ways You Can Use Aloo To Save A Ruined Dish

5 Ways You Can Use Aloo To Save A Ruined Dish

[ad_1] How many of you have burnt rice while cooking or added extra spice to your curry? Let's agree, we all have done it at some point in life. Whether you are new to cooking or have spent enough time preparing meals for family and friends, you often make mistakes in kitchen. What do you do then? Do you toss the entire meal in the waste-bin thinking it to be a culinary catastrophe? If yes, then you need to stop that now! It's okay to make mistakes as long as you know how to fix them. And here, a humble potato comes to the rescue. We bring you some interesting ways how a potato or two can fix your ruined dish. Read on.Why Potato Is Considered Versatile?You would hardly find anyone not liking aloo. One of the most common ingredients in a kitchen, a potato can save the day at a given point...