Tag: plum juice benefits

This Winter-Special Plum Juice May Help You Shed Extra Kilos

This Winter-Special Plum Juice May Help You Shed Extra Kilos

[ad_1] In order to lose weight, it is imperative to follow a healthy lifestyle. This includes having a regular fitness routine and following a nutrient-rich diet. While losing weight is often viewed as a huge challenge, it might not be as difficult as it may sound if you start with a little patience and consistency. A subtle tweak here and there in your diet is all that you need. And what better way than drinking fresh juices to shed those extra kilos? Juices are power-packed with essential vitamins and nutrients and offer a host of health benefits. This plum juice is rich in antioxidants and can be a great addition to your weight loss diet.Plum, also known as aloo bukhara, is a winter-special fruit and can do wonders for your overall health. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, gre...