Tag: Perseid meteor

Don’t miss out on the upcoming Perseid meteor shower

Don’t miss out on the upcoming Perseid meteor shower

[ad_1] Yet again the time has come when we get to experience the fascinatingly illuminated sky as the Perseid meteor shower will be seen in August. The meteor shower happens every year from mid-July to August and it is one of the amazing views that everyone should look forward toThis year is different from the rest. The Perseid meteor shower can be seen with the naked eye in the dark night sky, and the good news is that the moon will only be 10 per cent illuminated, Space.com reports, therefore, you can totally enjoy the view. When and where to see the Perseid meteor showerAccording to In The Sky report, the shower will peak around Aug. 13, 2023. The Perseid meteor shower will be most active between 17 July to 24 August. The best view you can get is from the northern hemisphere and mid-...