Tag: Paris Agreement

Clean energy miss: Bill Gates Says Chances of Meeting 2C Warming Goal Fading Fast

Clean energy miss: Bill Gates Says Chances of Meeting 2C Warming Goal Fading Fast

[ad_1] Bill Gates said the world probably won't meet the Paris Agreement's goal of keeping temperature rise below 2C. But he praised the COP28 summit for making progress on tackling climate change despite geopolitical tensions.“Climate progress is moving ahead even though we won't meet our highest aspirations,” he said in Bloomberg TV, citing the biggest-ever attendance at the annual United Nations summit and announcements on food and health initiatives. Keeping warming to 2C, the weaker goal agreed on at COP21 in Paris, “isn't that likely,” he said. 'Fortunately, if you stay below 3C, a lot of the ill effects that people have heard about don't happen.”  A planet that warms by 3C from pre-industrial levels could regularly expose up to 50 million people to temperatures that are beyond hu...
How CEOs can successfully deploy green solutions in uncertain economic times

How CEOs can successfully deploy green solutions in uncertain economic times

[ad_1] Last month, we saw the Delhi Declaration of G20 push hard for renewable energy and cleantech alternatives. As well as reaffirming the Paris Agreement to achieve net zero global emissions by mid-century, they also made goals to triple the deployment of renewable and low-emission technology by 2030. For Indian businesses, the initial financial commitment to meet these goals comes with significant green premiums in the short-term. Green buildings for instance, are said to cost up to 32% more to design and fit, with these costs rolling over to business tenants. Likewise, the initial cost of owning an electric vehicle (EV) versus a petrol-powered car can have a 100% markup. How can business leaders begin to implement green changes to improve their operations? How can they use cleante...