Tag: paratha recipes

Moringa Paratha: A Flavourful Breakfast Treat You Dont Want To Miss (Recipe Inside)

Moringa Paratha: A Flavourful Breakfast Treat You Dont Want To Miss (Recipe Inside)

[ad_1] Paratha is a staple for breakfast in every North Indian household. It's our comfort food and something that we can never get tired of eating. While some may not be such great fans, others simply cannot do without it. If you fall into the latter category, we are sure you must've tried several different varieties of parathas. Be it the classic aloo or gobhi paratha or unique versions like spinach, beetroot, Mughlai, etc. Adding to the list, we present to you another variety that'll take your taste buds by surprise: moringa paratha. This paratha is quite different and is a must-try for all the paratha lovers out there. Before we introduce you to the recipe, let's see what this paratha is all about.Also Read: Pinwheel Aloo Paratha: A Fun Twist On A Classic Dish For Your Kids To EnjoyW...
Pinwheel Aloo Paratha: A Fun Twist On A Classic Dish For Your Kids To Enjoy

Pinwheel Aloo Paratha: A Fun Twist On A Classic Dish For Your Kids To Enjoy

[ad_1] Aloo paratha is one of the most beloved breakfast options. If you've grown up in a North Indian household, you would know how frequently it was made at home. It is quite filling, and it's always a delight to indulge in it. However, this may not be the case for your kids. While some kids may love this classic dish, others might struggle to take a bite. If the latter situation sounds familiar to you, here's a fun and interesting way to make them enjoy aloo paratha: pinwheel aloo paratha. This fun take on the dish is sure to impress your kids, and they'll keep running back to you and asking you to make more. Without further ado, let's learn how to make it.Also Read: Indian Cooking Tips: Make Achaari Aloo Paratha To Try Something Different For BreakfastPhoto Credit: IstockWhat Makes P...
Chai-Paratha For Breakfast? 5 Ways To Make It More Nutritious

Chai-Paratha For Breakfast? 5 Ways To Make It More Nutritious

[ad_1] There's no meal where parathas cannot fit in. You can pair it with sabzi for a quick lunch and dinner or have it as a quick meal for untimely hunger pangs. But what remains the most popular option is breakfast. Piping hot parathas, paired with freshly churned makhkhan and a hot cup of chai, the meal sounds perfect for a chilly morning. In fact, it won't be an exaggeration to say that chai-paratha is the most common winter breakfast for people in Punjab, Chandigarh, and adjacent regions. This is why, we thought of making the meal healthier for you.Is It Okay To Eat Parathas Every Day?A quintessential paratha is made of maida and atta dough, filled with different types of stuffing. The paratha is then cooked in ghee and served hot with achar, dahi, and of course, a dollop of white b...
Love Moong Dal Paratha? Try This Rajasthani Version Of It For A Wholesome Breakfast

Love Moong Dal Paratha? Try This Rajasthani Version Of It For A Wholesome Breakfast

[ad_1] Paratha is one of the most beloved North Indian breads. It's something that we have all grown up eating and cannot imagine our lives without. Just the thought of biting into a ghee-laden paratha makes us instantly salivate. Doesn't it? For most of us, it's a must-have dish on our breakfast menu. Whether it's the classic aloo paratha, gobhi paratha, or paneer paratha, they all taste equally divine. Another popular variety is moong dal paratha. Now you all must have tried the regular version many times; however, have you tried a Rajasthani moong dal paratha? This unique variety is something that every paratha lover should try. It is packed with flavours, high in protein, and, oh-so crunchy. Once you try it out, you'll wonder why you never tried it before. Without further ado, let's ...
5 Lip-Smacking Paratha Recipes For Your Winter Weight Loss Diet

5 Lip-Smacking Paratha Recipes For Your Winter Weight Loss Diet

[ad_1] As the winter chill sets in, our cravings for hearty meals often take centre stage, with favourites like puri, kachori, pakoda, and paratha dominating our plates. However, the concern about winter weight gain looms large, especially as physical activities may dwindle. The question arises - can we relish our favourite dishes while keeping our weight in check? Absolutely! While diet and physical activity are integral to weight management, indulging in flavorful dishes is still possible. For those on a weight loss journey or aiming to maintain their weight, here are five nourishing paratha recipes tailored for the winter season.Also Read: Winter Weight Loss Tip: Swap Your Regular Roti for Makki Ki Roti - Here's HowWinter bounty brings forth a variety of vegetables, inspiring diverse ...
Achaari Lachha Paratha: A Spicy Twist On A Beloved Classic – Try It Now

Achaari Lachha Paratha: A Spicy Twist On A Beloved Classic – Try It Now

[ad_1] Parathas are the ultimate comfort food for North Indians. The feeling of biting into a piping hot paratha topped with makhan is just irresistible. Whether for breakfast or lunch, it's impossible to say no to a serving of one. What we love the most about parathas is that they come in so many different flavours and varieties. One such loved version is the classic lachha paratha. It has a super crispy and flaky texture and is always a treat for the taste buds. But how about giving this beloved favourite an achaari twist? Lachha paratha lovers, let's introduce you to a unique recipe that might just become your new favourite one. It tastes so good, you'll want to make it again and again.Also Read: Try This Delicious Palak Paneer Laccha Paratha For A Special Weekend BreakfastWhat Is Ach...
Neena Gupta Relishes Moong Dal Paratha – 5 Paratha Recipes To Try

Neena Gupta Relishes Moong Dal Paratha – 5 Paratha Recipes To Try

[ad_1] Moong dal is one lentil that is not just loaded with nutrients but is also super versatile. From the wholesome dal tadka, to crunchy pakodas and the absolutely delicious halwa, moong dal can be used to make a number of Indian delicacies. It is a primary source of protein for vegetarians, and comes with ample room for experimentation. Don't believe us? Check out Neena Gupta's latest Instagram entry. The veteran actress relished moong dal in a paratha. Yes, you read it right. Neena Gupta savoured moong dal paratha, which looked super yummy. Widely popular in Rajasthan, this breakfast delight is prepared by first grinding and cooking moong dal separately. The coarsely ground moong dal is cooked with spices and then stuffed inside the dough.Also Read: Neena Gupta Is Making The Most Of...
Crispy And Flavourful: Elevate Your Weekend With Indori Sev Paratha

Crispy And Flavourful: Elevate Your Weekend With Indori Sev Paratha

[ad_1] Ah, the first bite of a paratha is always so satisfying, isn't it? They come in endless different varieties and we all always look forward to eating them. While parathas can be enjoyed any time of the week, there's something about the weekend that makes us crave them even more. Aloo paratha, paneer paratha, and gobhi paratha are among the most popular choices. Now, we're not saying that these classic parathas don't taste good, but sometimes we do feel like treating our taste buds to something different, right? If you're in the mood to try a unique paratha this weekend, we have the perfect recipe for you. It's called Indori sev paratha.What Is Indori Sev Paratha?Indori sev paratha is made using our beloved snack sev, also known as bhujia. Instead of using regular aloo or paneer stu...
Chaitra Navratri 2023: How To Make Vrat-Friendly Kuttu Paratha

Chaitra Navratri 2023: How To Make Vrat-Friendly Kuttu Paratha

[ad_1] Chaitra Navratri 2023 is right around the corner. This year, the nine-day long festival will begin on March 22, 2023, and will conclude on March 30. The festival celebrates the nine different avatars of Goddess Maa Durga and is considered to be one of the most auspicious festivals of the Hindu community. During these days, people worship the nine incarnations of the Goddess and observe fasting. Delicacies such as sabudana ki khichdi, aloo ki kadhi, singhara samosa and kuttu dosa are some of the most popular dishes cooked during the Navratri season. Kuttu is a versatile ingredient and can be used in numerous ways to create vrat-friendly dishes.  Also read: Chaitra Navratri 2023: 7 Weight Loss-Friendly Vrat Snacks For NavratriConsidering this, here we bring you a delicious kuttu par...
Fancy A Sweet Paratha? Try This Punjab-Special Gud Paratha Recipe In Winter

Fancy A Sweet Paratha? Try This Punjab-Special Gud Paratha Recipe In Winter

[ad_1] It doesn't matter if it is winter or summer, we can never say no to a stuffed warm paratha straight out of tawa. The fact that it can be made almost every ingredient in the kitchen, makes it a versatile everyday breakfast option. From vegetables to just spices like garlic, a paratha can be made with anything - and by anything we mean even sweet foods like jaggery. Yes, gud paratha exists; in fact, it is a highly popular meal in Punjabi households during the winter season. Growing up in a typical Punjabi family, I have had gud paratha multiple times a week for breakfast, and sometimes, even as post-dinner dessert. The crispy and juicy paratha explodes sweet flavours in the mouth and fills up our heart with its warm deliciousness. Gosh, my childhood memories are rushing back just th...