Tag: paper ball

Watch: Belgian Magician’s Ball Of Paper Takes On Life Of Its Own

Watch: Belgian Magician’s Ball Of Paper Takes On Life Of Its Own

[ad_1] The World Championship of Magic is held once every three years.Soumagne, Belgium: A crumpled ball of paper that takes on a life of its own and leads the apparently perplexed magician on a playful dance -- it's a simple but poetic and engaging scene.Belgian magician Laurent Piron's twirling "Paper Ball" is not a spectacular showstopper, but last month it won the former street performer the title "World Magic Champion".Now this champion has returned from the Quebec contest to his home outside Liege in eastern Belgium, ready to pull a list of global bookings out of his sleeve.The World Championship of Magic is held once every three years, but Piron had already spent several years refining Paper Ball to recapture the story-telling skills of an earlier era."Many older magicians came up...