Tag: osiris rex

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 11 March 2023: Asteroid Bennu in 3D

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 11 March 2023: Asteroid Bennu in 3D

[ad_1] Space is vast and terrifying, but at the same time, it is deeply intriguing and mysterious. Our fascination with space and understanding the origin of the solar system has led scientists to one of its biggest celestial nemeses. Nothing exemplifies this relationship of humans with space better than the NASA OSIRIS-REx mission. This space mission sent an unmanned spacecraft to the potentially hazardous asteroid Bennu to collect rock samples and it is now on its way to Earth. Interestingly, there is a big chance that this asteroid can strike the Earth in the year 2182.NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a picture showing the Bennu asteroid as it was captured by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft while it took a last glance before flying towards the Earth. Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid...
Asteroids gave birth to life? NASA crashes rocks on Earth to unveil secret to origin of life

Asteroids gave birth to life? NASA crashes rocks on Earth to unveil secret to origin of life

[ad_1] A group of NASA scientists have conducted an experiment in which they simulated asteroid strikes on Earth to determine whether the origin of life was a result of a cosmic accident. The belief that the origin of life on Earth may have extraterrestrial roots is solidifying in the astronomical community. Recently, a study was published in the journal ACS Central Science which conducted an experiment to see whether complex amino acids, which are necessary to give birth to life, can be formed on asteroids. And now, a group of NASA scientists have the same thought. In a series of experiments, they simulated the exact conditions that might have been when asteroids struck into a young and barren Earth billions of years ago and could have created life. And the experiment has given the...